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The Quadruple Aim
Quadruple Aim

A Conceptual Framework

Improving the U.S. health care system requires four aims: improving the experience of care, improving the health of populations, reducing per capita costs and improving care team well-being. HITEQ Center resources seek to provide content and direction aligned with the goals of the Quadruple Aim

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Through the data validation process, valuable information is gained that can then be used to improve performance around patient care or quality of care metrics.  Improving quality performance may take the form of improving data collection processes, better identifying patients who need additional interventions, or decreasing missed opportunities to provide patients appropriate interventions, among other possibilities. This section includes guidance on leveraging Health IT to improve quality performance including change packages for recommended approaches related to various quality of care measures.

Improving Performance Resources
Event date: 4/25/2023 2:00 PM - 3:30 PM Export event
Learning to Love Your Data: Health Center Data for Everyone - Session 2 - Data Equity Primer
Jodie Albert

Learning to Love Your Data: Health Center Data for Everyone - Session 2 - Data Equity Primer

HITEQ Webinar Series

So, you’re not a statistician? Not a data scientist either? Great! This webinar series is for the data creators, data generators, data users, data reviewers, and others who work with their health center data each day. If you’re a data lover and you know the information you have in your health center has an important story to tell, this series will provide you with the tools and techniques to create and share insights that will drive genuine change in your health center. Fostering a data-driven culture links directly to improvements in patient care, staff and provider satisfaction, and business imperatives, allowing us to make meaning out of our daily data demands.

Session 2 - Data Equity Primer
This introduction delves into what data equity is, how inequity sneaks into all of our projects, and what we can do about it. Leave this “super briefing” able to have productive conversations about the real core of data equity issues, pushing past the distractions and the confusion. Get ready to dig into equity and data with both hands!


Documents to download


This resource collection was compiled by the HITEQ Center staff with guidance from HITEQ Advisory Committee members and collaborators of the HITEQ Center.