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Validating data from Health IT systems is the cornerstone of effective Health IT Enabled QI. Ensuring that Health IT-generated reports and data reflect an accurate picture of the care and outcomes of your population ensures that data is actionable for quality improvement, monitoring as well as many other purposes. This validation must be ongoing as system , provider, workflow, and other changes, can all impact accuracy of data. This section provides worksheets, guides, and tips for validating data.

Data Accuracy Resources
On the Horizon Series Sessions
On the Horizon Series Sessions

On the Horizon Series Sessions

The HITEQ Center planned a series of discussions about what is on the horizon-- this includes the people, processes, and technologies related to UDS+, environmental impacts and environmental determinants of health (EDoH), and Artificial Intelligence (AI). Each session will be interactive and engaging and include time for health center sharing. 

This series was open to community health centers throughout the nation. If you are from a health center and are interested in enhancing your understanding of UDS+ demographic and clinical quality measures, environmental impacts and EDoH, and/or AI, you should watch this series! This might include EHR or IT staff, clinical or operations staff, leadership, quality and population health staff, and/or clinical staff. Registration for each session is below. 


Performance Measure Data Definition Worksheet
Performance Measure Data Definition Worksheet

Performance Measure Data Definition Worksheet

The Performance Measure Data Definition Worksheet can be used during the Quality Improvement (QI) process to assess the alignment of your health center’s workflows and documentation and your EHR vendor’s reporting logic processes.
The Office of the National Coordinator for Health Information Technology (ONC) EHR Certification criteria requires EHR vendors to use eCQM (electronic Clinical Quality Measure) specifications to define measures. Therefore, reported data for a measure should be consistent regardless of EHR vendor. In practice, however, it is important to confirm that your EHR vendor’s reporting logic is consistent with your health center’s definition and workflows, and vice versa, as outlined in this worksheet.

Diabetes Health Center Data Validation Tool
Diabetes Health Center Data Validation Tool

Diabetes Health Center Data Validation Tool

Excel-based Data Validation Tool for health centers to validate their 2021 UDS clinical quality measure reporting of Diabetes Control (HbA1C > 9%) measure on Table 7. Video and written instructions are provided. 

Health Center Data Validation Tool
Health Center Data Validation Tool

Health Center Data Validation Tool

Excel-based Data Validation Tool for health centers to validate their 2021 UDS clinical quality measure reporting of that Weight Assessment and Counseling for Nutrition and Physical Activity for Children and Adolescents measure. Video and written instructions are provided. 

Data Report Audit Tool
Data Report Audit Tool

Data Report Audit Tool

This tool is a template that health centers can use or modify to audit reports for accuracy and to resolve any issues identified in the process. It is intended to assist health centers in ensuring they have accurate reporting and a process to resolve issues.

HITEQ On the Horizon: Environmental Preparedness for Health Centers
HITEQ On the Horizon: Environmental Preparedness for Health Centers

HITEQ On the Horizon: Environmental Preparedness for Health Centers

This session discussed the challenges Health centers face in continuing to provide quality care for their patients amid climate related disasters. Participants learned how Health IT and EHRs can be used to locate and support vulnerable patients.

HITEQ On the Horizon: Demystifying Current and Future Clinical Quality Measure Reporting: UDS+ and the Adult Weight Screening and Follow-up Measure Roundtable
HITEQ On the Horizon: Demystifying Current and Future Clinical Quality Measure Reporting: UDS+ and the Adult Weight Screening and Follow-up Measure Roundtable

HITEQ On the Horizon: Demystifying Current and Future Clinical Quality Measure Reporting: UDS+ and the Adult Weight Screening and Follow-up Measure Roundtable

This session discussed the current UDS clinical quality measure reporting on Adult weight screening and follow-up clinical quality measures. Attendees learned about common challenges for collection as well as best practices for health centers.

On the Horizon: UDS+ and Race, Ethnicity, and Language Collection
On the Horizon: UDS+ and Race, Ethnicity, and Language Collection

On the Horizon: UDS+ and Race, Ethnicity, and Language Collection

This session will be co-hosted by the Community Health Care Association of New York State and Sun River Health, a health center in New York to take a deeper dive into UDS+ and how to collect granular race, ethnicity and language (REaL) data. Sun River Health shared their experiences and best practices for collecting REaL data.

HITEQ Highlights: What to Do About Health IT Hazards Associated with Copy and Paste in the EHR
HITEQ Highlights: What to Do About Health IT Hazards Associated with Copy and Paste in the EHR

HITEQ Highlights: What to Do About Health IT Hazards Associated with Copy and Paste in the EHR

Copy and paste functionality can support efficiency during clinical documentation, but may promote inaccurate documentation with risks for patient safety. This webinar will discuss three key areas where health centers can consider implementing safe practice recommendations:

  • Define copy and paste as a health IT safety issue by identifying the potential patient safety risks
  • Review safe practice recommendations and implementation strategies to mitigate health IT-related hazards and safety issues
  • Disseminate evidence, tools and practices for implementation
Learning to Love Your Data: Health Center Data for Everyone - Session 3 - Data Governance and Literacy
Learning to Love Your Data: Health Center Data for Everyone - Session 3 - Data Governance and Literacy

Learning to Love Your Data: Health Center Data for Everyone - Session 3 - Data Governance and Literacy

So, you’re not a statistician? Not a data scientist either? Great! This webinar series is for the data creators, data generators, data users, data reviewers, and others who work with their health center data each day. If you’re a data lover and you know the information you have in your health center has an important story to tell, this series will provide you with the tools and techniques to create and share insights that will drive genuine change in your health center. Fostering a data-driven culture links directly to improvements in patient care, staff and provider satisfaction, and business imperatives, allowing us to make meaning out of our daily data demands.

Session 3 -  Data Governance and Literacy
Good data is hard to come by-- particularly without a solid foundation of data governance and data literacy within your health center. Good data governance supports improved data quality, increased data literacy, and critically, maximized data use. Join this session to understand how to get a handle on what can seem like an overwhelming amount of data and harness it for improved care and strategic decision making.


Accessing Value Set Codes for Clinical Quality Measures
Accessing Value Set Codes for Clinical Quality Measures

Accessing Value Set Codes for Clinical Quality Measures

This video was created to assist health centers in accessing the codes for value sets associated with electronic clinical quality measures (eCQMs) reported as part of UDS. Health centers can download the needed codes from the Value Set Authority Center.

Measuring Telehealth Success: You Can't Achieve it if You Can't Measure It
Measuring Telehealth Success: You Can't Achieve it if You Can't Measure It

Measuring Telehealth Success: You Can't Achieve it if You Can't Measure It

More than a year into the Covid-19 pandemic, it is now obvious that telehealth — in the form of a hybrid care delivery model that blends virtual and in-person care — is not a fad, but a healthcare delivery option that is here to stay. Healthcare leaders are seeking to optimize their organization's telehealth services for high performance and long-term sustainability. The problem is that most leaders neither know how well (or how bad) their telehealth services are performing, nor what true success can or should look like.   Telehealth, when designed and implemented correctly, will engage patients to achieve positive outcomes, delight physicians, and contribute to organizational strategic objectives, including sustainable financial success.  In this presentation, Christian Milaster of Ingenium Digital Health Advisors leads viewers through a series of pragmatic concepts on how to set an organization’s telehealth success targets, what and how to measure telehealth performance, the Physician Bill of Telehealth Rights, and how to leverage telehealth to achieve strategic success. This presentation is the second session of a two-part series. The first session focused on a telehealth maturity model and is available here.

NPDB Technical Assistance Webinar: Health Center Attestation
NPDB Technical Assistance Webinar: Health Center Attestation

NPDB Technical Assistance Webinar: Health Center Attestation

Starting in August, a process called attestation will begin, during which Federally Qualified Health Centers (FQHC) and FQHC look-alikes will verify that they have submitted all reportable clinical privileges actions to the National Practitioner Data Bank (NPDB). They will be asked to do this as part of their organization’s registration renewal.

Health Datapalooza
Health Datapalooza

Health Datapalooza

The 8th Annual Health Datapalooza is the gathering place for people and organizations creating knowledge from data and pioneering innovations that drive health policy and practice. Registration is available for attendance via webinar and in-person.


This resource collection was compiled by the HITEQ Center staff with guidance from HITEQ Advisory Committee members and collaborators of the HITEQ Center.