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The HITEQ Center Podcast

Sharing Virtual Care Success Stories and Lessons Learned in 2022 and 2023

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HITEQ is highlighting stories of leveraging the EHR, health IT, digital health tools, and other virtual care supports for health center recovery and stabilization during the COVID-19 pandemic and thereafter in this series of podcasts. We are lifting up stories that demonstrate the promise of digital and health IT tools to address the timely needs of health centers and their patients, emphasizing those that support high value, equitable care for all health center patients and that reduce provider burden.

[Video] The Managed Care Data Set

Developed with Starling Advisors in 2022

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This video module helps health centers to understand how payers use data to evaluate their performance, to learn how to incorporate data into practice to improve value-based payment opportunities, and to prepare with best practices around organizing managed care data.

Accessing Value Set Codes for Clinical Quality Measures

Video guide for health centers to download codes needed for accurate UDS reporting, created February 2023.

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This video was created to assist health centers in accessing the codes for value sets associated with electronic clinical quality measures (eCQMs) reported as part of UDS. Health centers can download the needed codes from the Value Set Authority Center.

[Video] FQHC Value Based Payment Basics

Developed with Starling Advisors in 2022

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In this 25 minute video we cover the basic mechanics of how FQHCs are paid, the prospective payment system, and how it is evolving over time. We also review the spectrum of value-based payment arrangements using the HCP-LAN framework as a guide. We also discuss the capacity needed to be successful in each of those payment categories. Patient attribution process, including why that data is so critical in value-based payment arrangements, and what questions to ask payer partners about attribution processes are also reviewed. Lastly, a real value-based payment arrangement and related considerations are reviewed.

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