
This section contains resources that help health centers to successfully implement EHRs, including leadership teams needed, workflow adoption, transitioning between EHRs, meaningful use, and patient safety issues.

Implementing EHR
Health Center Emergency Response Exercise Set

Health Center Emergency Response Exercise Set

HITEQ Center, March 2025

The exercise cards in this set present scenarios and response-related questions designed to provide a quick (5–10 minute) method for health center staff to:

  • Refresh knowledge of the content in their emergency and cyber incident response plans;
  • Examine and troubleshoot procedures in their emergency and cyber incident response plans;
  • Identify improvements to their emergency and cyber incident response plans; and
  • Increase staff capacity to operationalize the actions outlined in their emergency and cyber incident response plans.

The scenarios and questions on these cards can serve as a starting point to spark discussions amongst your team about scenarios and responses that are specific to the context of your health center (e.g., what extreme weather events are most common in your area?). The first five cases describe environmental scenarios, and the last two cases describe cybersecurity scenarios.

Download the resource in the Documents to Download Section below.

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This resource collection was compiled by the HITEQ Center staff with guidance from HITEQ Advisory Committee members and collaborators of the HITEQ Center.