
This section contains resources that help health centers to successfully implement EHRs, including leadership teams needed, workflow adoption, transitioning between EHRs, meaningful use, and patient safety issues.

Implementing EHR
HIPAA and Telehealth
Telehealth Resource Centers
/ Categories: HIPAA, Telehealth

HIPAA and Telehealth

A Stepwise Guide to Compliance

Two-page Fact Sheet outlining a three-step process to make sure you’re in compliance with HIPAA and if not, the steps that can be taken to make sure you are. This fact sheet also includes questions to ask potential business associates and things to keep in mind in case there is a breach.

Intended AudienceCommunity Health Centers, Health Center Administrators

Documents to download


This resource collection was compiled by the HITEQ Center staff with guidance from HITEQ Advisory Committee members and collaborators of the HITEQ Center.