Telehealth Resource Centers / Saturday, December 10, 2016 / Categories: HIPAA, Telehealth HIPAA and Telehealth A Stepwise Guide to Compliance Two-page Fact Sheet outlining a three-step process to make sure you’re in compliance with HIPAA and if not, the steps that can be taken to make sure you are. This fact sheet also includes questions to ask potential business associates and things to keep in mind in case there is a breach. Print 23201 Tags: telehealthHIPAAComplianceFact SheetHIPAA Compliance in Telehealth Intended AudienceCommunity Health Centers, Health Center Administrators Documents to download HIPAA_and_Telehealth_HITEQ_2016(.pdf, 1.15 MB) - 1408 download(s) Related Resources Leveraging Telehealth Technologies To Improve Access in Rural Areas CISA Services: Federal Cybersecurity Resources for Telehealth Health Center Emergency Response Resources Digital Health Strategy to Enable Comprehensive Care: Navigating Regulatory Waters- Compliance and Considerations HITEQ Highlights: Engaging Partners and Technology to Support Care of Justice-Involved Patients