HITEQ Center / Thursday, July 6, 2017 / Categories: Population Health, PH and SDH Concepts, Implementing PHM and SDH, Value Based Payment, Value Based Payment Basics ICD-10 Z Codes for Social Determinants of Health A quick reference guide, updated Dec. 2021 This resource describes ways standardized social determinant of health (SDoH) data can be used and provides a quick reference guide to which ICD-10 Z codes can help document social needs information, resulting in more standardized SDoH data. Print 43552 Tags: Social Determinants of Healthvalue based paymentriskcodingcodesICD-10ICD10reference guideSocial Needs Screening Badge Intended AudienceProviders and Healthcare Leaders Documents to download ICD-10 Z Codes for Social Determinants of Health(.docx, 69.76 KB) - 8326 download(s) A quick reference guide, updated December 2021 Related Resources Lived Expertise and Data Management: Trauma-Informed Approaches and Perspectives Data Visualization for Value-based care Advancing the use of SDOH Data to Support Value Based Care How EHRs Can Be Leveraged to Streamline Social Needs Screening Payer Mix Analysis Tool