On the Horizon Series Sessions
Roundtable Series
The HITEQ Center planned a series of discussions about what is on the horizon-- this includes the people, processes, and technologies related to UDS+, environmental impacts and environmental determinants of health (EDoH), and Artificial Intelligence (AI). Each session will be interactive and engaging and include time for health center sharing. This series was open to community health centers throughout the nation. If you are from a health center and are interested in enhancing your understanding of UDS+ demographic and clinical quality measures, environmental impacts and EDoH, and/or AI, you should watch this series! This might include EHR or IT staff, clinical or operations staff, leadership, quality and population health staff, and/or clinical staff. Registration for each session is below.
Overview of On the Horizon Series SessionsMay 2, 2024 at 12:00 ET: UDS+ and Race, Ethnicity, and Language Collection Roundtable
Session 1: Thursday, May 2nd, 2024 at 12:00 ET: UDS+ and Race, Ethnicity, and Language Collection Roundtable
The Community Health Care Association of New York State and Sun River Health, a health center in New York, will join the HITEQ Center for a discussion on UDS+ and the collection of granular race, ethnicity, and language (REaL) data. Sun River Health will share their experience collecting REaL data, including how they’ve updated and optimized systems, tracked their data, and addressed challenges.
Session 2: Thursday, May 16th, 2024 at 12:00 ET: Demystifying Current and Future Clinical Quality Measure Reporting: UDS+ and the Adult Weight Screening and Follow-up Measure Roundtable
This session will explore current and future UDS clinical quality measure reporting, through one of the more complicated and expansive measures: Adult Weight Screening and Follow-up Clinical Quality Measure that is included in Table 6B and, in the future, UDS+ reporting. Attendees will gain understanding of the measure specifications, including defining the denominator and compliance. Common challenges as well as health center successes will be discussed.
Session 3: Thursday, May 21st, 2024 at 1:00 ET: Environmental Preparedness for Health Centers Roundtable
Climate change-induced weather events such as heat waves, poor air quality, and flooding are increasing in frequency and intensity. Health centers are challenged to maintain their own operations and ensure continuity of care for their patients, particularly individuals who are more likely to be impacted by climate change-related disasters. In this session, health center participants and HITEQ facilitators will discuss how health IT and EHRs can be used to identify and protect impacted populations. The discussion will be focused around three strategies: 1) developing a health center emergency response plan; 2) utilizing patient data to support patient resilience; and 3) developing communication outreach systems for weather emergencies.
Session 4: Tuesday, June 4, 2024 at 12:00 ET: What is the future of AI in Health Centers? Roundtable
Artificial intelligence (AI) has exploded in recent years, catapulting new forms of large language models and machine learning to the forefront including in healthcare. The rapid rise forces health centers to grapple with what possibilities AI offers, what is the right fit for the health center, how it can be equitably adopted, as well as what can be lost. There are key considerations for those in the safety net, in patient facing roles, and with limited resources. This session will encourage participants to think through all of this, and leave with a set of questions to be addressed before launching AI in your health center.