Event date: 2/21/2023 1:00 PM - 2:00 PM Export event Jodie Albert / Wednesday, January 11, 2023 / Categories: Health IT Enabled QI, Promoting Interoperability, Webinars, Archived Preparing for Patient Level Reporting: UDS+ and More HITEQ Highlights Webinar Data standards initiatives and the Uniform Data Set (UDS) Modernization initiative aim to reduce reporting burden through easing data exchange, improve data quality, and better measure services and outcomes. In the coming years, health centers will be expected to use FHIR, a data standard that is becoming more common, to submit UDS+ along with other information (such as public health reporting). Experts involved in preparation for UDS+ and similar initiatives with CMS joined to share their experiences and reflect on what health centers should be aware of as they prepare for the future of UDS and other reporting. Print 7379 Tags: HITEQ HighlightsUDS dataUDS+FHIRPatient level reporting Documents to download Webinar Slide Deck(.pdf, 3.93 MB) - 1117 download(s) Webinar Transcript(.pdf, 215.57 KB) - 491 download(s) Resource Links View the recording hereRecording link Related Resources HITEQ Highlights: AI and Health Insurance Prior Authorization for Health Centers HITEQ Highlights: Innovative Strategies to Reduce Maternal and Congenital Syphilis HITEQ Highlights: Dashboard Design Guide Spotlight for Health Centers HITEQ Highlights: Integrating Patient Self-Monitoring Blood Pressure Within Office-Based Hypertension Management HITEQ Highlights: Advancing Interoperability & Health Information Exchange for Health Centers - An Overview and Discussion on Enhancing Health Outcomes with the Oklahoma MyHealth Access Network