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This section provides guidance to understand the key contract terms involved in negotiating the vendor contract. It is critical to negotiate a vendor contract that takes into account the unique circumstances of your center and incorporates flexibility to meet your reporting needs. Guidance is offered related to indemnification, warranties and disclaimers, liability, dispute resolution, termination and migration, and access to and use of the EHR data.  
Purchasing EHR
Access to Information about Database Structures
HITEQ Center

Access to Information about Database Structures

Issues and Suggestions for Contract Negotiations

Electronic health record (EHR) system customers that can access their data have found that they also need information about the database structure used by the EHR technology developer in order to effectively use the data for custom reports or to even understand the customer’s own patient population and the unit costs of care.

Some EHR technology developers are reportedly unwilling to provide data models or “data dictionaries” or are charging significant fees for information that helps the customer understand how the data is held in the EHR and may be efficiently extracted and used for other purposes.

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Next Article Ability to Use Data Without Excessive Charges

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This resource collection was compiled by the HITEQ Center staff with guidance from HITEQ Advisory Committee members and collaborators of the HITEQ Center.