PrEP Process Map Example PrEP Process Map Example Molly Rafferty Monday, September 18, 2023 0 9987 HITEQ Center, September 2023 This resource is an example of a Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis (PrEP) Process Map. Process maps can be used to document health center workflows. Read more
Health IT Optimization for Effective PrEP Services Health IT Optimization for Effective PrEP Services Molly Rafferty Thursday, June 29, 2023 0 6991 HITEQ Center, June 2023 Health centers are increasingly interested in embedding oral Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis (PrEP) programs into primary care, which calls for the embedding of PrEP care processes into electronic health record (EHR) systems. Health centers have had success with automation in HIV testing, and are looking to apply automated algorithms, order sets, and templates to the development of PrEP programs. This resource outlines EHR and health information technology (IT) configurations and tools that support... Read more
Implementing Opt-Out HIV Screening in Your Health Center Implementing Opt-Out HIV Screening in Your Health Center HITEQ Center Friday, November 20, 2020 0 24315 An outline of best practices and strategies HIV testing is one of the many ways we can End the HIV Epidemic. HITEQ's latest blogs offers strategies for leveraging your EHR to make HIV screening a breeze at your health center. Read more
Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis (PrEP), Post-Exposure Prophylaxis (PEP), and Other HIV Prevention Strategies: Billing and Coding Guide Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis (PrEP), Post-Exposure Prophylaxis (PEP), and Other HIV Prevention Strategies: Billing and Coding Guide HITEQ Center Friday, December 13, 2019 0 18403 Developed by NASTAD, updated in 2023 The goal of this guide is to provide up-to-date information and best practices for coding, billing, and denial resolution for PrEP and PEP services. Health department staff are encouraged to share this resource with grantees, community partners, and other health care providers billing for HIV prevention services. Read more
Closing the PrEP Care Gap with TelePrEP Closing the PrEP Care Gap with TelePrEP Caitlin Tricomi 5/8/2024 2:00 PM - 3:00 PM 0 4242 Training for Health Centers In this session, attendees learned from the HITEQ Center and Housing Works about the TelePrEP model. It also showcased the successes and challenges Housing Works faced with regards to their TelePrEP program. Read more
Opportunities and Strategies to Optimize PrEP Uptake in Key Communities Caila Kilson-Kuchtic 3/22/2022 3:00 PM - 4:00 PM 0 9866 Health HIV Medical Education Activity Description: PrEP continues to be underused by people who could benefit from it, especially those who face health disparities. Of the 1.2 million people in the U.S. who can benefit from taking PrEP, only about 23% have used PrEP. Data on PrEP coverage shows that racial/ethnic minorities, sexual minorities, youth, and women access PrEP at even lower rates. The interactive live webinar will feature perspectives of multiple diverse HIV prevention experts on PrEP uptake among relevant... Read more
Improving UDS Clinical Quality Measure Performance: Increasing HIV Prevention in Primary Care Improving UDS Clinical Quality Measure Performance: Increasing HIV Prevention in Primary Care HITEQ Center 11/17/2021 3:00 PM - 4:00 PM 0 14762 HITEQ Highlights Webinar Primary care plays a key role in ending the HIV epidemic. The Ending the HIV Epidemic initiative launched across HHS in 2019, setting forth four key strategies also called the “four pillars” of ending the HIV epidemic. Primary care in federally qualified health centers figures centrally into these efforts, evidenced by the addition of several HIV screening and prevention measures and metrics in the Uniform Data System (UDS) reporting. This webinar reviewed the outcomes of... Read more
Level Up: Leveraging Your EHR to End the HIV Epidemic Level Up: Leveraging Your EHR to End the HIV Epidemic Molly Rafferty 6/8/2021 1:00 PM - 2:00 PM 0 18562 HITEQ Highlights Webinar What if we told you your electronic health record (EHR) was one of the keys to ending the HIV epidemic (EHE)? Your EHR is a powerful tool that can support increases in HIV testing, access to pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP) for people at risk for HIV, and so much more! View our HITEQ Highlights webinar on June 8th to learn more about leveraging your EHR through the use of digital tools and innovative strategies! Read more
Strategies for Increasing HIV Screening Rates at Your Health Center Strategies for Increasing HIV Screening Rates at Your Health Center Jamal Refuge Monday, December 28, 2020 0 21473 HIV testing is one of the many ways we can End the HIV Epidemic. HITEQ's latest blog post offers strategies for leveraging your EHR to make HIV screening a breeze at your health center. Read more
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A Practical Guide on Intimate Partner Violence, Human Trafficking, and Exploitation and Technology Tools A Practical Guide on Intimate Partner Violence, Human Trafficking, and Exploitation and Technology Tools A Practical Guide on Intimate Partner Violence, Human Trafficking, and Exploitation and Technology Tools
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