Sensitive Information and the Electronic Patient Record
Sensitive Information and the Electronic Patient Record
With nearly 100% of community health centers utilizing electronic health records (EHR) to care for patients, focus has pivoted from implementation and new workflow development to enhancement in order to drive value and reflect patient needs and population trends. EHR technology presents potential opportunities and significant constraints. Providers frequently document and share potentially sensitive information in the EHR, such as risk for intimate partner violence (IPV), consistent offers of pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP), or patient sexual orientation and gender identity (SOGI). Capturing such information can be immensely helpful in providing care tailored to individuals’ needs, but additionally challenges teams to develop workflows that keep the data private rather than risk harm to patients through improper or unintended disclosure.
Health IT Optimization for Effective PrEP Services
Health IT Optimization for Effective PrEP Services
Health centers are increasingly interested in embedding oral Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis (PrEP) programs into primary care, which calls for the embedding of PrEP care processes into electronic health record (EHR) systems. Health centers have had success with automation in HIV testing, and are looking to apply automated algorithms, order sets, and templates to the development of PrEP programs. This resource outlines EHR and health information technology (IT) configurations and tools that support PrEP care processes and provides examples of successful implementation from health centers and primary care settings.
Nationwide HIV-related Care Interactive Infographics
Nationwide HIV-related Care Interactive Infographics
In the 2022 UDS, United States health centers reported 7,328,565 of their 16,835,841 eligible medical patients (43.53%) were tested for HIV at least once after their 15th birthday and before their 66th birthday.
Bright Spots in HIV Screening
Bright Spots in HIV Screening
Since 2020, health centers have reported the HIV Screening clinical quality measure on the UDS. HITEQ hosted discussions with health centers in fall of 2021 to find out how they have made progress on this clinical quality measure and gleaned tips from these participants which can be found within.
Resources for Expanding PrEP Services in your Health Center
Resources for Expanding PrEP Services in your Health Center
HITEQ compiled this resource library for health centers, which houses actionable PrEP resources including checklists, pocket guides, and billing guidance. This curated set of resources aims to assist health centers in accessing those resources that directly address current PrEP challenges.
Using Your EHR to Identify Patients Who May Benefit from PrEP at Your Health Center
Using Your EHR to Identify Patients Who May Benefit from PrEP at Your Health Center
Identifying candidates for PrEP can be challenging but not impossible. The first step to finding the right candidates involves understanding the criteria for PrEP. Not everyone is a great candidate for PrEP or can adhere to the frequent testing and monitoring required of PrEP patients. Some patients are comfortable using condoms and other HIV prevention methods, and providers should respect and affirm their decision.
Implementing Opt-Out HIV Screening in Your Health Center
Implementing Opt-Out HIV Screening in Your Health Center
HIV testing is one of the many ways we can End the HIV Epidemic. HITEQ's latest blogs offers strategies for leveraging your EHR to make HIV screening a breeze at your health center.
State-level HIV-related Infographics
State-level HIV-related Infographics
These interactive infographics include HIV Indicators as well as information about underserved populations and patients who may be at increased risk of acquiring HIV, at the state level. Select your state in the upper right to get started.
TelePrEP for Health Centers
TelePrEP for Health Centers
This brief presents an overview of how health centers can utilize telehealth for PrEP access, or TelePrEP, for comprehensive care, and includes innovations and resources that health centers can utilize to extend these services to their patient populations.
According to the Rural health Information Hub, the risk of contracting HIV can be greatly reduced through Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis (PrEP), but the medication must be taken every day and patients need follow-up appointments every 3 months. Some patients often don't have access to it due to stigma, distance from the nearest specialist, and a shortage of primary care providers willing to prescribe and monitor PrEP.