HITEQ Highlights: Shared Care Planning Optimization Using the EHR HITEQ Highlights: Shared Care Planning Optimization Using the EHR 6/30/2020 1:00 PM - 2:00 PM 0 16862 Join the HITEQ Center, in collaboration with the National Council for Behavioral Health, for a webinar on Shared Care Planning Optimization Using the EHR. The webinar provided an overview on the importance of shared care planning and... Read more
HIV Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis (PrEP) for Patients with Substance Use Disorders HIV Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis (PrEP) for Patients with Substance Use Disorders Hosted by the HRSA-funded National Clinician Consultation Center 5/27/2020 2:00 PM - 3:00 PM 0 13829 PrEP is a highly effective biomedical intervention that prevents HIV. Despite the established association between HIV risk and substance use,... Read more
Enabling Services Data Collection: Documenting Health Center... Hosted by the Association of Asian Pacific Community Health Organizations and Health Outreach Partners 5/26/2020 2:00 PM - 3:00 PM 0 12121 In collaboration with Health Outreach Partners (HOP), AAPCHO continues to promote the importance of documenting social... Read more
HITEQ Highlights: Hear from your Peers: Using the EHR for Routine... HITEQ Highlights: Hear from your Peers: Using the EHR for Routine... 6/16/2020 2:00 PM - 3:00 PM 0 10797 The HITEQ Center, in collaboration with BC3 Technologies, LLC, hosted this webinar that explored key concepts and best... Read more
Understanding SAMHSA and OCR Guidance for Telehealth SUD and MH... Understanding SAMHSA and OCR Guidance for Telehealth SUD and MH... 5/20/2020 2:00 PM - 3:00 PM 0 11516 This presentation reviewed guidance released by OCR and SAMHSA about federal patient privacy regulations while providing SUD and... Read more
Implementing Teledentistry During COVID-19 Implementing Teledentistry During COVID-19 5/12/2020 3:00 PM - 4:15 PM 0 7220 During this national emergency, teledentistry has become an emerging strategy to continue providing preventive dental... Read more
How FQHCs Can Launch Telehealth Services to Meet Patient Needs... How FQHCs Can Launch Telehealth Services to Meet Patient Needs... 4/28/2020 12:00 PM - 1:00 PM 0 4531 The COVID-19 pandemic has drastically changed health care delivery. Federally qualified health centers (FQHCs) play a critical... Read more
HITEQ Highlights: Health Center Defense Against the Dark Web:... HITEQ Highlights: Health Center Defense Against the Dark Web:... 5/6/2020 2:00 PM - 3:00 PM 0 17876 This HITEQ Center webinar explored key concepts and best practices that should be followed by Health Centers seeking to... Read more
HITEQ Highlights: Electronic Patient Engagement in an Integrated Setting HITEQ Highlights: Electronic Patient Engagement in an Integrated Setting
Innovative Practices To Ramp Up Tele-Behavioral Health Innovative Practices To Ramp Up Tele-Behavioral Health
Telehealth Learning Series for SUD Tx and Recovery Support Providers Telehealth Learning Series for SUD Tx and Recovery Support Providers
Telehealth Learning and Consultation (TLC) Tuesdays - Telehealth with... Telehealth Learning and Consultation (TLC) Tuesdays - Telehealth with...
Telehealth Learning and Consultation (TLC) Tuesdays - Telehealth Tools Telehealth Learning and Consultation (TLC) Tuesdays - Telehealth Tools
Telehealth Learning and Consultation (TLC) Tuesdays - Telehealth Billing Telehealth Learning and Consultation (TLC) Tuesdays - Telehealth Billing
Telehealth Learning and Consultation (TLC) Tuesdays - Telehealth Basics Telehealth Learning and Consultation (TLC) Tuesdays - Telehealth Basics
HITEQ Highlights: HIV Prevention and Treatment for patients with SUD in an Integrated Behavioral Health Setting HITEQ Highlights: HIV Prevention and Treatment for patients with SUD in an Integrated Behavioral Health Setting 4/23/2020 3:30 PM - 4:30 PM 0 15484 Join the HITEQ Center, in collaboration with the National Council for Behavioral Health, for a webinar on understanding from a beginner perspective, how to integrate HIV prevention, screening into integrated behavioral health... Read more
Telehealth and COVID-19 Telehealth and COVID-19 3/19/2020 11:00 AM - 12:00 PM 0 4700 Telehealth can be a means to address COVID-19 through patient monitoring, treating and limiting exposure to infection for vulnerable populations, and protecting health care workers. Telehealth cannot only expand the reach of... Read more
ONC’s Cures Act Final Rule: Conditions of Certification ONC’s Cures Act Final Rule: Conditions of Certification 3/19/2020 2:00 PM - 3:00 PM 0 3405 HHS recently released the Office of the National Coordinator for Health IT (ONC’s) Cures Act Final Rule that will help give patients safe, secure access to their health data, spur innovation, and address industry-wide... Read more
ONC’s Cures Act Final Rule: Information Blocking ONC’s Cures Act Final Rule: Information Blocking 3/16/2020 3:00 PM - 4:00 PM 0 3300 HHS recently released the Office of the National Coordinator for Health IT (ONC’s) Cures Act Final Rule that will help give patients safe, secure access to their health data, spur innovation, and address industry-wide... Read more