Leveraging Electronic Health Records to Promote Improved Care, Patient Safety and Privacy

Event date: 7/25/2024 2:00 PM - 3:00 PM Export event
Leveraging Electronic Health Records to Promote Improved Care, Patient Safety and Privacy

Health Partners on IPV & Exploitation

As health center staff increasingly identify and document IPV/HT in medical records, some electronic health record (EHR) platforms are embedding prompts, model workflows, and patient privacy and confidentiality recommendations into their systems. They are also linking to or using social referral platforms to facilitate referrals. This webinar summarized practice recommendations on how to request consent from survivors during documentation and before conducting any data sharing on referral platforms. Additionally, they shared takeaways on smart tool development and availability from leading EHR platforms and highlight best practices to ensure patient privacy and safety while adhering to CURES Act regulations.

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