The Patient Engagement Playbook

Office of the National Coordinator post on
The Patient Engagement Playbook

A resource from the Office of the National Coordinator

The Patient Engagement Playbook provides Health Centers with strategies for improving patient enrollment, activation and communication, care giver engagement and integration of patient-generated health data. For Health Centers attesting to Meaningful Use stages the Playbook also provides guidance and clarification around meeting patient engagement related objectives.

From the website:

Patient engagement can have big benefits for your practice and your patients: better communication, better care, and better outcomes. Health information technology (health IT) is a powerful tool to help you get there — so learn how to make it work for you.

Use the Patient Engagement Playbook as your guide. The Playbook is an evolving resource for providers, practice staff, hospital staff, and other innovators: a compilation of tips and best practices we’re collecting from providers and health systems like yours.

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Intended AudienceCEO, Program Manager, Patient Education Staff

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