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Validating data from Health IT systems is the cornerstone of effective Health IT Enabled QI. Ensuring that Health IT-generated reports and data reflect an accurate picture of the care and outcomes of your population ensures that data is actionable for quality improvement, monitoring as well as many other purposes. This validation must be ongoing as system , provider, workflow, and other changes, can all impact accuracy of data. This section provides worksheets, guides, and tips for validating data.

Data Accuracy Resources
Behavioral Health Consent Management
HITEQ Center
/ Categories: Privacy and Security, HIPAA

Behavioral Health Consent Management

From the Office of the National Coordinator

The timely exchange of health information between behavioral health providers and physical health providers to support care coordination is a critical element of the National Quality Strategy and health reform efforts. However, privacy and confidentiality concerns are currently limiting the inclusion of behavioral health data in electronic health information exchange efforts.

The Office of the National Coordinator for Health Information Technology (ONC) encourages providers and organizations involved in electronic health information exchange to develop policies and technical approaches [PDF - 258 KB] that offer patients more consent choices than simply having all or none of their information shared.


Use the Link Below to find out more about Behavioral Health Consent Management

Intended Audiencehealth center staff


This resource collection was compiled by the HITEQ Center staff with guidance from HITEQ Advisory Committee members and collaborators of the HITEQ Center.