Engelberg Center for Health Care Reform at Brookings / Wednesday, September 28, 2016 / Categories: Value Based Payment, Value Based Payment Basics Adopting Accountable Care An Implementation Guide for Physician Practices Developed by the collaborative efforts of the ACO Learning Network, this toolkit addresses four key issues for practices interested in engaging with ACOs: 1) Risk management; 2) Referral networks; 3) Actionable data systems; and 4) Patient engagement. The toolkit provides detailed steps to be taken to address these four critical issues. Print 28722 Tags: Population Health Managementaccountable carerisk datapatient carepayment reform analytics Resource Links A link to the report on the Brookings website.Unlike hospital-led ACOs which may offer primary care, specialty care, and acute care to their patients, many physician-led ACOs are limited to providing primary care, yet maintain responsibility for the total cost of each patient’s care. Related Resources Advancing the use of SDOH Data to Support Value Based Care Managed Care Data Checklist for FQHCs Coding and Documentation for Risk Adjustment and Value Based Payment The FQHC Alternative Payment Methodology Toolkit: Fundamentals of Developing a Capitated FQHC APM Spotlight on Health Center Payment Reform: Oregon Alternative Payment and Advanced Care Model