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The Quadruple Aim
Quadruple Aim

A Conceptual Framework

Improving the U.S. health care system requires four aims: improving the experience of care, improving the health of populations, reducing per capita costs and improving care team well-being. HITEQ Center resources seek to provide content and direction aligned with the goals of the Quadruple Aim

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Resource Overview

Population Health Management (PHM) is an evolving concept encompassing a suite of emerging technologies to aggregate, analyze and use data to improve clinical and financial outcomes.  PHM tools enable health centers to identify, monitor and target care to patients within a population. Resources in this section provide a conceptual foundation to help health center staff deepen their understanding of PHM and how the social determinants of health can be used to improve outcomes.

PHM and SDH Concepts and Overview Resources

HITEQ Center


Using telehealth to expand access to PrEP

According to the Rural health Information Hub, the risk of contracting HIV can be greatly reduced through Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis (PrEP), but the medication must be taken every day and patients need follow-up appointments every 3 months. Some patients often don't have access to it due to stigma, distance from the nearest specialist, and a shortage of primary care providers willing to prescribe and monitor PrEP.

TelePrEP programs can connect health center patients with a provider who can determine if PrEP is appropraite for the patient and prescribe PrEP as appropriate, through telemedine. This approach to extending services in a way that addresses barriers to care experienced by certain populations.

A number of resources below profile telePrEP opportunities and approaches, click through the Resource Links to learn more.



This resource collection was cultivated and developed by the HITEQ team with valuable contributions from the National Association of Community Health centers (NACHC) as well as HITEQ's Advisory Committee and many health centers who have graciously shared their experiences with HITEQ.

Looking for something different or have something you think could assist?

HITEQ works to provide top quality resources, but know your needs can be specific. If you are just not finding the right resource or have a highly explicit need then please use the Request a Resource button below so that we can try to better understand your requirements.

If on the other hand you know of a great resource already or have one that you have developed then please get in touch with us by clicking on the Share a Resource button below. We are always on the hunt for tools that can better server Health Centers.

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