Ending the HIV Epidemic Resources
Using Your EHR to Identify Patients Who May Benefit from PrEP at Your Health Center
Using Your EHR to Identify Patients Who May Benefit from PrEP at Your Health Center

Using Your EHR to Identify Patients Who May Benefit from PrEP at Your Health Center

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Identifying candidates for PrEP can be challenging but not impossible. The first step to finding the right candidates involves understanding the criteria for PrEP. Not everyone is a great candidate for PrEP or can adhere to the frequent testing and monitoring required of PrEP patients. Some patients are comfortable using condoms and other HIV prevention methods, and providers should respect and affirm their decision.

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One of the key strategies for Ending the HIV Epidemic includes diagnosing people with HIV as early as possible. HITEQ has curated a few strategies to help you leverage your EHR to identify clients in need of HIV screening to get your health center one step closer to ending the HIV epidemic in your communities.