HITEQ Health Center Behavioral Health Integrator Badge
Health centers are increasing the integration of behavioral health in primary care, spurred by an increased focus on whole person care and additional funding. Effective use of health IT in conjunction with patient privacy and confidentiality is imperative to support behavioral health.

According to the Office of the National Coordinator, "Health information technology can help to improve behavioral health care and can further enable care coordination and integration, increase information sharing, and support prevention, treatment, and recovery activities. Access to and the exchange and use of behavioral health information as part of routine care can help to improve continuity in care services and support efforts toward achieving an interoperable health care system across the continuum."

Take some time to read through some of the articles on this page and then fill out the submission form on the right and you will be rewarded with a Health Center Incredible Behavioral Health Integrator badge! This is an official badge that is submitted by the HITEQ Center as a proof of completion to the blockchain. Your credentials can be added to profiles such as LinkedIn and verified through accreditation services such as Accredible and Open Badge.



Digital Health Strategy Resources

Companion to Digital Health Strategy Learning Collaborative

HITEQ Center 0 164
This AirTable was created by the HITEQ team in tandem with our Digital Health Strategy Learning collaborative held in mid 2024.

The tools available here include assessments, trackers, references, and sample policies.

These are free for health centers to use or adapt, and will occasionally be updated.

The Patient Engagement Playbook

A resource from the Office of the National Coordinator

Office of the National Coordinator 0 26755

The Patient Engagement Playbook provides Health Centers with strategies for improving patient enrollment, activation and communication, care giver engagement and integration of patient-generated health data. For Health Centers attesting to Meaningful Use stages the Playbook also provides guidance and clarification around meeting patient engagement related objectives.

Building a Data-Driven Culture: Video Learning Series and Case Study

From the Center for Care Innovations

Center for Care Innovations 0 14598

Healthcare organizations are flooding with data. Health centers have a wealth of data about their patients and their community. It is essential that these organizations  build a strong foundation of people, processes and technology to leverage that data to improve care and better serve the underserved.

Digital Health Strategy Resources

Digital Health Strategy Resources

This AirTable was created by the HITEQ team in tandem with our Digital Health Strategy Learning collaborative held in mid 2024.

The tools available here include assessments, trackers, references, and sample policies.

These are free for health centers to use or adapt, and will occasionally be updated.
The Patient Engagement Playbook

The Patient Engagement Playbook

The Patient Engagement Playbook provides Health Centers with strategies for improving patient enrollment, activation and communication, care giver engagement and integration of patient-generated health data. For Health Centers attesting to Meaningful Use stages the Playbook also provides guidance and clarification around meeting patient engagement related objectives.

Building a Data-Driven Culture: Video Learning Series and Case Study

Building a Data-Driven Culture: Video Learning Series and Case Study

Healthcare organizations are flooding with data. Health centers have a wealth of data about their patients and their community. It is essential that these organizations  build a strong foundation of people, processes and technology to leverage that data to improve care and better serve the underserved.


Badge Submission Form