HITEQ Health Center Information Blocking Avenger

This badge is designed to support health center staff who work with data every day to tell a comprehensive story with their data and foster a data-driven culture. Materials include a dashboard design guide, the Learning to Love your Data webinar series, and a resource detailing how data visualization can be used to support value-based care.  Take some time to review the resources on this page and then fill out the submission form on the right and you will be rewarded with a Data Storyteller badge!  This is an official badge that is submitted by the HITEQ Center as a proof of completion to the blockchain. Your credentials can be added to profiles such as LinkedIn and verified through accreditation services such as Accredible and Open Badge.

Information Blocking Avenger Curriculum
Strategies for Supporting Health Center Patients Experiencing Food Insecurity

Strategies for Supporting Health Center Patients Experiencing Food Insecurity

Published in May 2021, Updated June 2021

Food insecurity has doubled since the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic in March 2020, and has tripled among families with children. Not having enough access to food is a key contributor to negative health outcomes for adults and children alike, and it is important now more than ever for health centers to identify and support patients who are experiencing food insecurity.
This resource is designed to support health center efforts to identify and assist patients who are experiencing food insecurity. It outlines key considerations around integrating social determinants of health (SDoH)-related screening and intervention into the electronic health record (EHR) workflow, highlights standardized screening tools and data elements to monitor the prevalence of food insecurity among patients, and describes several strategies to meet food-related needs. 


The downloadable guide, available in the Documents to Download section below, is split into the following sections, each of which draws on foundational work from health centers and national partners: 

  • Integrate your screening strategy into your EHR workflow-- several case studies are included
  • Select a standardized tool to identify food insecurity-- several tools with their related EHR integration and workflow considerations are outlined
  • Monitoring food insecurity among patients-- tips about coding and dashboarding are provided
  • Connecting patients to available resources


Intended AudienceHealth Center Clinicians, Health Center Staff

Documents to download

Data Storyteller Badge