Healthcare Data Analytics, Population Health, and Value-based Care
Online self-paced training available to all healthcare workers
How HCCN’s and PCA’s can be helpful to Quality staff at a Health Center
Examples of Technical Assistance Provided by Primary Care Associations and Health Center Controlled Networks
A HITEQ Center Resource
The following document describes Quality and HIT staffing models for a low, middle, and high resourced health centers. These models are intended to be both normative (e.g., How does my middle resource health center compare? Do I have all of these positions covered?) and aspirational (e.g., What benefits could we get if we move to the next level?).
Articles on improving care, population health management, value-based payment models
Nine articles chosen to help leaders frame a business case for quality and health information technology initiatives to their peers and leaders.
11/29 HITEQ Highlights Webinar Transcription
A transcription of the November 29th HITEQ Highlights webinar.
After a brief introduction to HITEQ and this Resource Set, this webinar will highlight two specific tools for onboarding new staff into your health center with a focus on speeding the onboarding of Health IT and QI staff. The webinar will delve into the two onboarding tools - the Calendar and the Sample of a Staff Member’s Dashboard for Required Tasks, showing how they are meant to be used and how you can customize them for your needs.