HITEQ Health Center Information Blocking Avenger

This badge is designed to support health center staff who work with data every day to tell a comprehensive story with their data and foster a data-driven culture. Materials include a dashboard design guide, the Learning to Love your Data webinar series, and a resource detailing how data visualization can be used to support value-based care.  Take some time to review the resources on this page and then fill out the submission form on the right and you will be rewarded with a Data Storyteller badge!  This is an official badge that is submitted by the HITEQ Center as a proof of completion to the blockchain. Your credentials can be added to profiles such as LinkedIn and verified through accreditation services such as Accredible and Open Badge.

Information Blocking Avenger Curriculum

Health IT Optimization for Effective PrEP Services

HITEQ Center, June 2023

Molly Rafferty 0 6846

Health centers are increasingly interested in embedding oral Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis (PrEP) programs into primary care, which calls for the embedding of PrEP care processes into electronic health record (EHR) systems. Health centers have had success with automation in HIV testing, and are looking to apply automated algorithms, order sets, and templates to the development of PrEP programs. This resource outlines EHR and health information technology (IT) configurations and tools that support PrEP care processes and provides examples of successful implementation from health centers and primary care settings.

Improving UDS Clinical Quality Measure Performance: Increasing HIV Prevention in Primary Care

HITEQ Highlights Webinar

HITEQ Center 0 14633

Primary care plays a key role in ending the HIV epidemic. The Ending the HIV Epidemic initiative launched across HHS in 2019, setting forth four key strategies also called the “four pillars” of ending the HIV epidemic. Primary care in federally qualified health centers figures centrally into these efforts, evidenced by the addition of several HIV screening and prevention measures and metrics in the Uniform Data System (UDS) reporting. This webinar reviewed the outcomes of the first year of HIV Screening and Prevention reporting on the UDS, highlight opportunities for quality improvement, and discussed funding opportunities.

Strategies for Capturing Outside HIV Test Results for Your Health Center

Jamal Refuge 0 12900

We can only End the HIV Epidemic if we work together, and that includes data sharing. Sharing important information, such as HIV test results, can help ensure optimal care for people at risk for or living with HIV coming to or from different health centers. Check out these strategies and tools to learn some tried and true strategies for data-sharing between health centers. 

Level Up: Leveraging Your EHR to End the HIV Epidemic

HITEQ Highlights Webinar

Molly Rafferty 0 18461

What if we told you your electronic health record (EHR) was one of the keys to ending the HIV epidemic (EHE)? Your EHR is a powerful tool that can support increases in HIV testing, access to pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP) for people at risk for HIV, and so much more! View our HITEQ Highlights webinar on June 8th to learn more about leveraging your EHR through the use of digital tools and innovative strategies!

Data Storyteller Badge