HITEQ Center, January 2025
This practical guide features key tools and principles to help health centers (HCs) develop safe documentation for intimate partner violence, human trafficking, and exploitation (IPV/HT/E) in their electronic health records (EHRs) and other technology tools. In 2020, the Health Resources and Services Administration’s (HRSA) introduced new Uniform Data System (UDS) data elements for health centers (HCs) to report on IPV and HT/E. With the evolving landscape of data use in medical settings, it is imperative that HC staff understand privacy principles and implement best practices to protect confidentiality for survivors of IPV/HT/E. This resource features guidelines on documenting IPV/HT/E in the EHR using a trauma-informed, survivor-centered approach. The guide also features tools that FUTURES has developed alongside health IT platforms, namely for eClinicalWorks and OCHIN Epic, to aid HCs in using the evidence-based CUES intervention that focuses on universal education approaches on IPV/HT/E. This guide is available as a PDF (4 pages) in English.
HITEQ Highlights Webinar
Data standards initiatives and the Uniform Data Set (UDS) Modernization initiative aim to reduce reporting burden through easing data exchange, improve data quality, and better measure services and outcomes. In the coming years, health centers will be expected to use FHIR, a data standard that is becoming more common, to submit UDS+ along with other information (such as public health reporting). Experts involved in preparation for UDS+ and similar initiatives with CMS joined to share their experiences and reflect on what health centers should be aware of as they prepare for the future of UDS and other reporting.
December 2022
The Performance Measure Data Definition Worksheet can be used during the Quality Improvement (QI) process to assess the alignment of your health center’s workflows and documentation and your EHR vendor’s reporting logic processes.
The Office of the National Coordinator for Health Information Technology (ONC) EHR Certification criteria requires EHR vendors to use eCQM (electronic Clinical Quality Measure) specifications to define measures. Therefore, reported data for a measure should be consistent regardless of EHR vendor. In practice, however, it is important to confirm that your EHR vendor’s reporting logic is consistent with your health center’s definition and workflows, and vice versa, as outlined in this worksheet.
An introduction to FHIR for health centers preparing for UDS+
This video provides an introduction to FHIR for health centers preparing for UDS+.
Diabetes Control (HbA1C < 9%) Data Validation for UDS Reporting
Excel-based Data Validation Tool for health centers to validate their 2021 UDS clinical quality measure reporting of Diabetes Control (HbA1C > 9%) measure on Table 7. Video and written instructions are provided.