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This section provides resources and guidance for the selection of an electronic health record (EHR) vendor and product. Tools are available that can be used as part of a structured process to identify and procure the EHR system that fits the functionalities and needs of your center, and which will support developing a mutually beneficial relationship with the software vendor for successful EHR implementation.  Tools and resources are available to help assess organizational readiness and financial resources, and to develop a communication plan, workflow redesign, migration plan, and solicitation and negotiation for EHR vendor selection.  

Identifying and Selecting EHR
Bright Spots in HIV Screening
HITEQ Center

Bright Spots in HIV Screening

Health center examples, developed June 2022

Since 2020, health centers have reported the HIV Screening clinical quality measure on Table 6B of the UDS. This measures the portion of medical patients aged 15 through 65 who have at least one HIV test recorded between their 15th and 66th birthday. HITEQ hosted discussions with health centers in fall of 2021 to find out how they have made progress on this particular clinical quality measure. Download the document below for tips from those discussions that may help other health centers improve their HIV screening implementation.

Documents to download


This resource collection was compiled by the HITEQ Center staff with guidance from HITEQ Advisory Committee members and collaborators of the HITEQ Center.