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This section provides resources and guidance for the selection of an electronic health record (EHR) vendor and product. Tools are available that can be used as part of a structured process to identify and procure the EHR system that fits the functionalities and needs of your center, and which will support developing a mutually beneficial relationship with the software vendor for successful EHR implementation.  Tools and resources are available to help assess organizational readiness and financial resources, and to develop a communication plan, workflow redesign, migration plan, and solicitation and negotiation for EHR vendor selection.  

Identifying and Selecting EHR
EHR Transition Tips – Motivation and Planning
HITEQ Center

EHR Transition Tips – Motivation and Planning

Pearls from health centers undergoing EHR transition

Updated July 2017.

This discussion of planning and motivation is the first in a series of three EHR transition resources created from the collective EHR transition experiences of several health centers interviewed by HITEQ. The second in the series discusses vendor solicitation and selection, and the third discusses implementation of a new EHR. 

This tip sheet covers two main areas:

  1.  What are your motivations for transitioning to a new EHR? Are your needs met? What are the data exchange requirements?

  2.  Planning is integral to successfully selecting and implementing a new EHR, including assessing IT and financial resources, assessing current workflows, and talking with staff about priorities and likes/dislikes.

Download the resource below.

Previous Article Health Center EHR RFP Addendum
Next Article EHR Transition Tips – Vendor Solicitation and Selection
Intended AudienceHealth Center Leadership, Health Center EHR Staff, PCA or HCCN Staff supporting health centers

Documents to download

  • [Infographic] Motivation and Planning for EHR Transition(.pdf, 630.71 KB) - 813 download(s)

    [Infographic] There are many reasons why health centers transition from one electronic health record (EHR) to another. However, since switching EHRs can be challenging and takes significant time, effort, and financial resources, health centers should consider many factors before making the transition. Updated July 2017.

  • [Word Document] Motivation and Planning for EHR Transition(.pdf, 169.84 KB) - 785 download(s)

    [Word Document] There are many reasons why health centers transition from one electronic health record (EHR) to another. However, since switching EHRs can be challenging and takes significant time, effort, and financial resources, health centers should consider many factors before making the transition.


This resource collection was compiled by the HITEQ Center staff with guidance from HITEQ Advisory Committee members and collaborators of the HITEQ Center.