Joan Ash, Hardeep Singh, and Dean Sittig for the ONC / Tuesday, June 14, 2016 / Categories: EHR Selection and Implementation, EHR Implementation SAFER-1 High Priority Practices A Resource Developed by the Office of the National Coordinator for Health Information Technology The High Priority Practices SAFER Guide identifies “high risk” and “high priority” recommended safety practices intended to optimize the safety and safe use of EHRs. It broadly addresses the EHR safety concerns discussed in greater detail in the other eight SAFER Guides. Assembling a multi-disciplinary safety team is recommended to complete this guide, as a team will be best equipped to identify which EHR-related safety practices should be addressed first and which of the other SAFER Guides to turn to next. Previous Article Provider Engagement for Health Centers: Turning EHR from A Barrier to Benefit Next Article SAFER-2 Organizational Responsibilities Print 9148 Tags: ONCEHR SafetyImplementing an EHRSAFER Guides Documents to download SAFER - 1. High Priority Practices(.pdf, 2.63 MB) - 1716 download(s) Resource Links Link to the SAFER Guides websiteA product of the Office of the National Coordinator for Health Information Technology Related Resources Sensitive Information and the Electronic Patient Record Performance Measure Data Definition Worksheet FAQ: How will the upcoming changes to the Information Blocking and EHR certification requirements impact health centers? Sample Information Blocking policies, procedures, and templates Health Center EHR Transition