EHR Transition Tips – Vendor Solicitation and Selection 17353 HITEQ Center post on Friday, December 9, 2016 | Categories: EHR Selection and Implementation, EHR Selection Best practices and pearls of wisdom from health centers who have recently selected and transitioned EHRs. This resource is the second in a series of three EHR Transition resources created from the collective EHR transition experiences of several health centers interviewed by HITEQ. See the other two resources here: EHR Transition- Motivation and Planning and EHR Transition- Implementation. This tip sheet covers two main areas: EHR vendor solicitation, including developing a formal health center-focused request for proposal (RFP), and identifying the vendors to include in the selection process; EHR vendor selection, including how to score RFP responses, how to conduct EHR demonstrations, and how to reach the final decision. Additional resources are linked to within the resource, available for download below. Documents to download EHR Vendor Solicitation and Selection(.pdf, 62.17 KB) - 2156 download(s) [Word Document] A successful EHR transition requires that the solicitation and selection process be thoughtful, comprehensive, well directed—this resource spells out lessons learned from other health centers to ensure that your transition is all of these things. EHR Vendor Solicitation and Selection(.pdf, 279.79 KB) - 850 download(s) [Infographic - Created in July 2017] A successful EHR transition requires that the solicitation and selection process be thoughtful, comprehensive, well directed—this resource spells out lessons learned from other health centers to ensure that your transition is all of these things. Tags: Purchasing EHREHR TransitionVendor SolicitationVendor SelectionEHR Tips Print Previous Article EHR Transition Tips – Motivation and Planning Next Article Data Dictionary Tool and Template Related Resources A Practical Guide on Intimate Partner Violence, Human Trafficking, and Exploitation and Technology Tools ONC Tech Forum: Accelerating FHIR Adoption and Improving Scalability Health IT Optimization for Effective PrEP Services Clinical Data Elements for UDS eCQMs and their Lookback Timeframes Lessons Learned in Social Need Screening
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