EHR Selection, Purchasing & Implementation Resource Sets

Enabling Services Data Collection

HITEQ Center post on
Enabling Services Data Collection

Templates and Implementation Guidance

The Enabling Services Data Collection Implementation Packet serves as a guide for health centers wishing to codify and track enabling services using AAPCHO’s standardized template. Health centers may tailor many of the detailed demographic categories to their own health center needs, while keeping uniform, the broader categories for national health center aggregation purposes. The packet includes real-life sample encounter forms, protocols on data collection, a recommended work plan, project benefits and challenges, and fact sheets from actual data collected based on the enabling services data collection model. 

  • Learn more about the project as a whole:
  • View Enabling Services Data Collection Implementation Packet here:
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The Quadruple Aim

Quadruple Aim

A Conceptual Framework

Improving the U.S. health care system requires four aims: improving the experience of care, improving the health of populations, reducing per capita costs and improving care team well-being. HITEQ Center resources seek to provide content and direction aligned with the goals of the Quadruple Aim

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This resource collection was compiled by the HITEQ staff with portions contributed by Ms. Marilyn Lamar and OCHIN. In addition, some documents were previously produced for the Health Resources & Services Administration (HRSA), the Massachusetts eHealth Institute (MEHI), the Office of the National Coordinator of Health Information Technology (ONC).

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If on the other hand you know of a great resource already or have one that you have developed then please get in touch with us by clicking on the Share a Resource button below. We are always on the hunt for tools that can better server Health Centers.