EHR Vendors Most Frequently Used by Health Centers
EHR Vendors Most Frequently Used by Health Centers

EHR Vendors Most Frequently Used by Health Centers

These graphs and tables use health center reported UDS data from 2014 through 2020 to identify the EHRs most frequently used among health center programs, and show the change between years.

SDOH Data Dashboards Module 4: SDOH Dashboard Design - Advanced
SDOH Data Dashboards Module 4: SDOH Dashboard Design - Advanced

SDOH Data Dashboards Module 4: SDOH Dashboard Design - Advanced

The Social Determinants of Health Data Dashboards training is a four-module series. Modules range from about 8 minutes to 12 minutes in length. Module four provides advanced-level information on using social determinants of health data and dashboards for facilitating and tracking social needs referrals, conducting predictive analysis with social determinants of health and health outcomes data, and using social determinants of health data to improve reimbursement for addressing social needs.

SDOH Data Dashboards Module 3: SDOH Dashboard Design - Intermediate
SDOH Data Dashboards Module 3: SDOH Dashboard Design - Intermediate

SDOH Data Dashboards Module 3: SDOH Dashboard Design - Intermediate

The Social Determinants of Health Data Dashboards training is a four module series. Modules range from about 8 minutes to 12 minutes in length. Module three provides intermediate level information on collecting social determinants of health data and using data visualization for effective dashboards with stratification of data.

SDOH Data Dashboards Module 2: SDOH Dashboard Design - Beginner
SDOH Data Dashboards Module 2: SDOH Dashboard Design - Beginner

SDOH Data Dashboards Module 2: SDOH Dashboard Design - Beginner

The Social Determinants of Health Data Dashboards training is a four module series. Modules range from about 8 minutes to 12 minutes in length. Module two provides beginner level information on collecting social determinants of health data and basic analyses of the data.

SDOH Data Dashboards Module 1: Introduction to SDOH Dashboard Design
SDOH Data Dashboards Module 1: Introduction to SDOH Dashboard Design

SDOH Data Dashboards Module 1: Introduction to SDOH Dashboard Design

The Social Determinants of Health Data Dashboards training is a four module series. Modules range from about 8 minutes to 12 minutes in length. Module one provides an introduction to the role of screening and collecting data on social determinants of health, identifying social determinants of health measures and using data effectively, and assessing organizational data dashboard capability. Subsequent modules provide beginner, intermediate and advanced level considerations and examples for social determinants of health data dashboards. 
