Healthcare Information and Management Systems Society
Healthcare Information and Management Systems Society

Healthcare Information and Management Systems Society

HIMSS is a global, cause-based, not-for-profit organization focused on better health through information technology (IT). HIMSS leads efforts to optimize health engagements and care outcomes using information technology.



HealthIT.gov is hosted by Office of the National Coordinator for Health Information Technology (ONC), the principal federal entity charged with coordination of nationwide efforts to implement and use the most advanced health information technology and the electronic exchange of health information.  The site includes information to support use of electronic health records to better manage patient care through secure use and sharing of health information.

Primary Care Associations (PCA)
Primary Care Associations (PCA)

Primary Care Associations (PCA)

HRSA cooperative agreements with state and regional organizations provide training and technical assistance (T/TA) to potential and existing Health Center Program award recipients and look-alikes.

Find a Health Center Controlled Networks (HCCNs)
Find a Health Center Controlled Networks (HCCNs)

Find a Health Center Controlled Networks (HCCNs)

Health Center Controlled Networks (HCCNs) are groups of health centers working together to address operational and clinical challenges related to the use of health information technology (health IT). HCCNs receiving HRSA grant funding offer a wide range of support services to improve the health centers’ ability to: 1) achieve meaningful use of ONC-certified electronic health records (EHRs), 2) adopt technology-enabled quality improvement strategies, 3) engage in health information exchange (HIE), and 4) strengthen quality of care and improve patient outcomes. 
