Interoperability Initiatives Environmental Scan
From HIMSS's Interoperability & HIE Committee, 2017
According to HIMSS, this Interoperability Initiatives Environmental Scan was created to provide an image of the current landscape in which interoperable, nationwide health information exchange occurs. The following entities were included given their work to address interoperability needs via a variety of methods and collaborations. This Scan offers a wide range of details on each entity, including overview information, their method of exchange, and details on the stakeholders and processes involved. A full version of the scan is available for download (.csv file), and further details on each entity is available by clicking on their organization link.
Initiatives detailed include:
- Care Everywhere
- Carequality
- CARIN Alliance
- CommonWell Health Alliance
- Community HIE
- DirectTrust
- eHealth Exchange
...and more!
The information gathered from this scan was leveraged in the creation of the HIMSS Interoperability Call to Action, which provides principles to drive interoperability forward. There is a helpful list of acronyms and definitions available here.
Intended Audience | Health Center Leadership, Health Center IT Staff |