Advancing the use of SDOH Data to Support Value Based Care Advancing the use of SDOH Data to Support Value Based Care National Training for Health Centers 2/20/2024 1:00 PM - 2:00 PM 0 3042 This one-hour webinar, presented by Washington Association for Community Health, CHAS Health, and the HITEQ Center shared about best practices in SDOH screening and how health centers have used SDOH data for patient care, population... Read more
[Video] Managed Care Data and Contracting in Practice [Video] Managed Care Data and Contracting in Practice Developed with Starling Advisors in 2022 Friday, June 9, 2023 0 5981 This video provides practical information on utilizing payer data to support population health and contracting goals in practice. Read more
Lessons Learned: Implementing and Expanding Social Needs Screening... Lessons Learned: Implementing and Expanding Social Needs Screening... HITEQ Learning Collaborative Series 4/20/2023 12:00 PM - 1:00 PM 0 4376 Is your health center currently in the process of considering, implementing, or revamping a social needs screening program... Read more
Lessons Learned: Implementing and Expanding Social Needs Screening... Lessons Learned: Implementing and Expanding Social Needs Screening... HITEQ Learning Collaborative Series 3/30/2023 12:00 PM - 1:00 PM 0 4723 Is your health center currently in the process of considering, implementing, or revamping a social needs screening program... Read more
Lessons Learned: Implementing and Expanding Social Needs Screening... Lessons Learned: Implementing and Expanding Social Needs Screening... HITEQ Learning Collaborative Series 3/9/2023 12:00 PM - 1:00 PM 0 4440 Is your health center currently in the process of considering, implementing, or revamping a social needs screening program... Read more
Lessons Learned: Implementing and Expanding Social Needs Screening... Lessons Learned: Implementing and Expanding Social Needs Screening... HITEQ Learning Collaborative Series 2/16/2023 12:00 PM - 1:00 PM 0 5311 Is your health center currently in the process of considering, implementing, or revamping a social needs screening program within... Read more
Lessons Learned: Implementing and Expanding Social Needs Screening... Lessons Learned: Implementing and Expanding Social Needs Screening... HITEQ Learning Collaborative Series 1/26/2023 12:00 PM - 1:00 PM 0 4653 Is your health center currently in the process of considering, implementing, or revamping a social needs screening program... Read more
Managed Care Data Checklist for FQHCs Managed Care Data Checklist for FQHCs Companion Document to Video Module: Payer Data: The Managed Care Data. Prepared by Starling Advisors for the HITEQ Center in July 2022. Friday, September 23, 2022 0 11413 This checklist will walk you, the health center, through a series of common considerations for contracts you may receive from... Read more
Lessons Learned: Implementing and Expanding Social Needs Screening Programs... Lessons Learned: Implementing and Expanding Social Needs Screening Programs...
Lessons Learned: Implementing and Expanding Social Needs Screening Programs... Lessons Learned: Implementing and Expanding Social Needs Screening Programs...
Lessons Learned: Implementing and Expanding Social Needs Screening Programs... Lessons Learned: Implementing and Expanding Social Needs Screening Programs...
Lessons Learned: Implementing and Expanding Social Needs Screening Programs... Lessons Learned: Implementing and Expanding Social Needs Screening Programs...
Dashboarding Social Needs Data: Support Population Health and Advance... Dashboarding Social Needs Data: Support Population Health and Advance...
Lessons Learned: Implementing and Expanding Social Need Screening Program in... Lessons Learned: Implementing and Expanding Social Need Screening Program in...
Strategies for Increasing HIV Screening Rates at Your Health Center Strategies for Increasing HIV Screening Rates at Your Health Center
Addressing Childhood Obesity in Health Centers: Health IT Functionality Addressing Childhood Obesity in Health Centers: Health IT Functionality Tuesday, July 30, 2019 0 13669 This resource outlines specific guidance for optimizing EHRs and health IT tools commonly used by health centers to support the monitoring, reporting, and addressing childhood obesity. Read more
Panel Management in the Age of Value-Based Care Panel Management in the Age of Value-Based Care Friday, July 19, 2019 0 23499 Panel management is an essential function of a health center. When done well, it smooths the scheduling and operations of the health center; when done poorly it creates challenges with productivity, patient continuity,... Read more
Integrating Internal and External Data into a Health Center’s Primary Care Services Integrating Internal and External Data into a Health Center’s Primary Care Services Thursday, August 23, 2018 0 41735 This brief discusses the importance of integrated data, and provides examples of how other health centers have integrated and utilized oral health, colon cancer screening data, and other data within primary care. Read more
Best Practices for Sustaining Behavioral Health Integration Models in Health Centers Using Health Information Technology Best Practices for Sustaining Behavioral Health Integration Models in Health Centers Using Health Information Technology 8/22/2018 3:00 PM - 4:30 PM 0 8899 HRSA’s Bureau of Primary Health Care (BPHC) is pleased to offer a webinar hosted by the SAMHSA- HRSA Center for Integrated Health Solutions that will address strategies to leverage health information technology and... Read more