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Validating data from Health IT systems is the cornerstone of effective Health IT Enabled QI. Ensuring that Health IT-generated reports and data reflect an accurate picture of the care and outcomes of your population ensures that data is actionable for quality improvement, monitoring as well as many other purposes. This validation must be ongoing as system , provider, workflow, and other changes, can all impact accuracy of data. This section provides worksheets, guides, and tips for validating data.

Data Accuracy Resources
Event date: 2/20/2024 1:00 PM - 2:00 PM Export event

Advancing the use of SDOH Data to Support Value Based Care

National Training for Health Centers

Is your health center interested in learning about how collection of social needs data can support your performance in providing value based care? This one-hour webinar, presented by Washington Association for Community Health, CHAS Health, and the HITEQ Center taught about best practices in SDOH screening and how health centers have used SDOH data for patient care, population health, and value based care. Participants had the opportunity to ask questions and share the specific challenges they face regarding SDOH screening and use of data.

All health center staff, particularly those involved in screening clients for social needs, connecting them to resources and using data to inform care, were welcome to attend.


Documents to download


This resource collection was compiled by the HITEQ Center staff with guidance from HITEQ Advisory Committee members and collaborators of the HITEQ Center.