Ending the HIV Epidemic Resources
Assessing the Care Team Tech Experience: A Digital Health Tool Toolkit

Assessing the Care Team Tech Experience: A Digital Health Tool Toolkit

HITEQ Center, created through Aliados Health. Originally developed in June 2023, updated September 2024

This toolkit helps health center electronic health record (EHR) and Information Technology (IT) departments to deliver effective EHR training for staff, whether for new hires, rolling out new EHR modules, or providing ongoing training support. The guidance and tools included will support EHR trainers to create customized trainings and digital tool solutions for care teams. By improving staff proficiency with digital tools, health centers can increase value to patient experiences and reduce the burden on staff. The accompanying Care Team Member Tech Experience Assessment serves as a collection of questions that can be used to assess the current experiences, capabilities, preferences, and motivations of providers.

Download the resources in the Documents to Download Section below.

The resource is available in PDF format in the "Documents to Download" section below. You can also download the accompanying Care Team Member Tech Experience Assessment in Word format to facilitate copying of the questions. 

  • Documents to download

Documents to download

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One of the key strategies for Ending the HIV Epidemic includes diagnosing people with HIV as early as possible. HITEQ has curated a few strategies to help you leverage your EHR to identify clients in need of HIV screening to get your health center one step closer to ending the HIV epidemic in your communities.