[Video] Managed Care Data and Contracting in Practice 6196 Nye Day post on Friday, June 9, 2023 | Categories: Population Health, Using Data for PHM and SDH, Improving PHM and SDH Quality, Value Based Payment, Value Based Payment Basics, Data Demonstrating Health Center Value, Engaging in Value Based Payment Models, Video Library Developed with Starling Advisors in 2022 Module 3: Utilizing Payer Data to Support Population Health & Contracting Goals in Practice from HITEQ Center on VimeoThe video above provides practical information on utilizing payer data to support population health and contracting goals in practice. A number of value based contracts are reviewed, including background, strategies, results, and takeaways for each.Refer to this managed care glossary for health centers as you follow along.Be sure to check out the other modules:Module 1Foundational framework: HCP-LAN APM FrameworkVideo: Value Based Payment Basics for FQHCsCompanion Resource: Value Based Payment Contract Review Checklist for FQHCsModule 2Foundational framework: HCP-LAN APM FrameworkVideo: Payer Data: The Managed Care Data SetCompanion Resource: Managed Care Data Checklist for FQHCs Documents to download Data and Contracting in Practice Module 3 Slide Deck(.pdf, 8.1 MB) - 1542 download(s) Data and Contracting in Practice Module 3 Transcript [English](.pdf, 89.69 KB) - 801 download(s) Datos y contratación módulo 3 transcripión [Spanish](.pdf, 92.6 KB) - 703 download(s) Tags: videoPopulation HealthValue-Based Payment Modelspaymentvalue based carecare managementpatient datadata and contracting Print Related Resources Enabling Patient Access to Health Data for Actionable Results HITEQ Highlights: Preparing for Value-Based Care through Sustainable Telehealth Workflows
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