HITEQ Health Center Behavioral Health Integrator Badge
Health centers are increasing the integration of behavioral health in primary care, spurred by an increased focus on whole person care and additional funding. Effective use of health IT in conjunction with patient privacy and confidentiality is imperative to support behavioral health.

According to the Office of the National Coordinator, "Health information technology can help to improve behavioral health care and can further enable care coordination and integration, increase information sharing, and support prevention, treatment, and recovery activities. Access to and the exchange and use of behavioral health information as part of routine care can help to improve continuity in care services and support efforts toward achieving an interoperable health care system across the continuum."

Take some time to read through some of the articles on this page and then fill out the submission form on the right and you will be rewarded with a Health Center Incredible Behavioral Health Integrator badge! This is an official badge that is submitted by the HITEQ Center as a proof of completion to the blockchain. Your credentials can be added to profiles such as LinkedIn and verified through accreditation services such as Accredible and Open Badge.



HITEQ Center


Using telehealth to expand access to PrEP

According to the Rural health Information Hub, the risk of contracting HIV can be greatly reduced through Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis (PrEP), but the medication must be taken every day and patients need follow-up appointments every 3 months. Some patients often don't have access to it due to stigma, distance from the nearest specialist, and a shortage of primary care providers willing to prescribe and monitor PrEP.

TelePrEP programs can connect health center patients with a provider who can determine if PrEP is appropraite for the patient and prescribe PrEP as appropriate, through telemedine. This approach to extending services in a way that addresses barriers to care experienced by certain populations.

A number of resources below profile telePrEP opportunities and approaches, click through the Resource Links to learn more.

Closing the PrEP Care Gap with TelePrEP

Closing the PrEP Care Gap with TelePrEP

In this session, attendees learned from the HITEQ Center and Housing Works about the TelePrEP model. It also showcased the successes and challenges Housing Works faced with regards to their TelePrEP program.



According to the Rural health Information Hub, the risk of contracting HIV can be greatly reduced through Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis (PrEP), but the medication must be taken every day and patients need follow-up appointments every 3 months. Some patients often don't have access to it due to stigma, distance from the nearest specialist, and a shortage of primary care providers willing to prescribe and monitor PrEP.


Badge Submission Form