HITEQ Health Center Childhood Obesity Preventer Badge

Supporting young patients in achieving and maintaining a healthy BMI and living healthy, active lives is critical to their ability to live full, healthy, and happy lives. Health centers improve the health of their patients and community by addressing child and adolescent weight.

The resources below are the product of a HRSA-MCHB collaboration, highlighting important evidence-based tools from Bright Futures as well as tools from HITEQ to improve the use of your EHR and health IT systems to support implementation of promising practice.

Visit the 4 part webinar series and their related resources linked below on this page and then fill out the submission form on the right and you will be rewarded with a Childhood Obesity Preventer badge!​ 

This is an official badge that is submitted by the HITEQ Center as a proof of completion to the blockchain. Your badge can be added to profiles such as LinkedIn and verified through accreditation services such as Accredible and Open Badge.



Digital Health Strategy to Enable Comprehensive Care: The Importance of Digital Health in Health Centers

Virtual Learning Collaborative

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In this session, participants will learn why digital health strategy is essential for health centers to remain competitive, meet consumer and patient demands and make care more accessible for all patients. Attendees will learn how digital health strategy improves patient care and engagement and improves health outcomes for all.

How EHRs Can Be Leveraged to Streamline Social Needs Screening

Screening for Housing Status and other Social Determinants of Health (SDoH) measures Webinar

Caitlin Tricomi 0 1152

The National Health Care for the Homeless Council and the HITEQ Center hosted a free webinar on Tuesday, February 6th, 2024, from 2 – 3 pm Eastern (1 - 2 pm Central) where they taught participants how to screen for housing status and other Social Determinants of Health (SDoH) measures that can be introduced or better integrated into health center clinical workflows. Presenters shared guidance on implementing and systematizing social needs data collection in Electronic Health Records (EHRs), followed by a panel of expert health center representatives who spoke about their programs’ journeys with social needs screening programs. Participants had the opportunity to ask questions, share successes, or discuss specific challenges they faced regarding social needs screening. 

While this webinar focused on health care for the homeless (HCH) health centers, anyone involved directly in social needs screening or interested in improving screening processes was welcome to attend.

Health Center Childhood Obesity Preventer Badge