HITEQ Health Center Childhood Obesity Preventer Badge

Supporting young patients in achieving and maintaining a healthy BMI and living healthy, active lives is critical to their ability to live full, healthy, and happy lives. Health centers improve the health of their patients and community by addressing child and adolescent weight.

The resources below are the product of a HRSA-MCHB collaboration, highlighting important evidence-based tools from Bright Futures as well as tools from HITEQ to improve the use of your EHR and health IT systems to support implementation of promising practice.

Visit the 4 part webinar series and their related resources linked below on this page and then fill out the submission form on the right and you will be rewarded with a Childhood Obesity Preventer badge!​ 

This is an official badge that is submitted by the HITEQ Center as a proof of completion to the blockchain. Your badge can be added to profiles such as LinkedIn and verified through accreditation services such as Accredible and Open Badge.



Virtual Engagement for Professionals: Center of Excellence

HITEQ & NNCC Webinar

Amelia Fox 0 7931

The Virtual Engagement for Professionals: Center of Excellence (COE) met over six sessions to identify and promote promising practices for optimal, virtual training and technical assistance engagement. COE collaborators hosted facilitated discussions, offered peer-learning opportunities, and published training and technical assistance (T/TA) highlights and successes. The audience for this COE was PCAs, HCCNs, NTTAPs, and health centers who were interested in contributing to national T/TA efforts or engaging their own employees or peers through virtual modalities.This session addressed how to support a T/TA portfolio with technology, including success with evaluation, virtual tools to monitor TTA, and use of data for TTA.

Virtual Engagement for Professionals: Center of Excellence

HITEQ & NNCC Webinar

Amelia Fox 0 7961

The Virtual Engagement for Professionals: Center of Excellence (COE) met over six sessions to identify and promote promising practices for optimal, virtual training and technical assistance engagement. COE collaborators hosted facilitated discussions, offered peer-learning opportunities, and published training and technical assistance (T/TA) highlights and successes. The audience for this COE is PCAs, HCCNs, NTTAPs, and health centers who were interested in contributing to national T/TA efforts or engaging their own employees or peers through virtual modalities. This session addressed dissemination of information such as findings and publications through social media and other online channels.

Virtual Engagement for Professionals: Center of Excellence

HITEQ & NNCC Webinar

Amelia Fox 0 7665

The Virtual Engagement for Professionals: Center of Excellence (COE) will meet over six sessions to identify and promote promising practices for optimal, virtual training and technical assistance engagement. COE collaborators hosted facilitated discussions, offered peer-learning opportunities, and published training and technical assistance (T/TA) highlights and successes. The audience for this COE is PCAs, HCCNs, NTTAPs, and health centers who are interested in contributing to national T/TA efforts or engaging their own employees or peers through virtual modalities. This session will focused on succcessful peer learning and virtual discussion including breakout groups.

Virtual Engagement for Professionals: Center of Excellence

HITEQ & NNCC Webinar

Amelia Fox 0 8571

The Virtual Engagement for Professionals: Center of Excellence (COE) meets over six sessions to identify and promote promising practices for optimal, virtual training and technical assistance engagement. COE collaborators hosted facilitated discussions, offered peer-learning opportunities, and published training and technical assistance (T/TA) highlights and successes. The audience for this COE is PCAs, HCCNs, NTTAPs, and health centers who are interested in contributing to national T/TA efforts or engaging their own employees or peers through virtual modalities. This session focused on webinar engagement, including prep for webinar to encourage engagement as well as use of polls, chat, etc.

Virtual Engagement for Professionals: Center of Excellence

Project Collaboration | HITEQ & NNCC Webinar

Amelia Fox 0 7346

The Virtual Engagement for Professionals: Center of Excellence (COE) will meet over six sessions to identify and promote promising practices for optimal, virtual training and technical assistance engagement. COE collaborators will host facilitated discussions, offer peer-learning opportunities, and publish training and technical assistance (T/TA) highlights and successes. The audience for this COE is PCAs, HCCNs, NTTAPs, and health centers who are interested in contributing to national T/TA efforts or engaging their own employees or peers through virtual modalities.This session focused on project collaboration, including recruitment, participant management, work plan tracking, and collaborating on specific tasks or projects.

PRAPARE Workflow Implementation

NACHC and AAPCHO's Workflow Implementation Guidance for SDoH Collection and Response

HITEQ Center 0 7698

When initiating a new data collection initiative, it is important to educate key staff on the importance of collecting data on the social determinants of health and how it fits into the activities that your organization is already doing. This portion of NACHC and AAPCHO's toolkit contains resources to help you think through how to train staff in collecting data on the social determinants of health in a way that fits best in your workflow. 

Building Data Teams and Skills: Maximizing Data Literacy and Data Governance for a Data Driven Culture

A compendium of references and tools. Created in October 2018, updated January 2020.

HITEQ Center 0 20763

This compendium of references and tools is intended to support Quality Improvement efforts and to build skills across health center staff, particular those who may be tasked with leading data literacy and data governance activities or are new to the health center world. 

HITEQ Highlights: A Roadmap for Building a Data Driven Culture

Alyssa Carlisle 0 19048

As healthcare becomes more data driven, health centers are aware that they need to build their “organizational muscle” for data analytics, but often may not know where to start. In this webinar the HITEQ Center introduced the Analytics Capability Assessment (ACA), a tool developed by the Center for Care Innovations that allows users to look critically at an organization’s analytics capability across three key domains: people, process, and technology. By determining their level of capability in each of these factors, organizations can develop an individualized roadmap to focus and prioritize capability-building efforts. The tool also helps to demystify some of the jargon that can often alienate non-technical staff. Methods, examples, and tips for deploying the ACA in health center organizations were also shared.

High-Impact Leadership

Improve Care, Improve the Health of Populations, and Reduce Costs

Anonym 0 17917

This white paper is intended to help healthcare leaders at all levels improve their leadership skills to help them focus their efforts and achieve Triple Aim results for the populations they serve.

Health Center Childhood Obesity Preventer Badge