HITEQ Health Center Information Blocking Avenger

This badge is designed to support health center staff who work with data every day to tell a comprehensive story with their data and foster a data-driven culture. Materials include a dashboard design guide, the Learning to Love your Data webinar series, and a resource detailing how data visualization can be used to support value-based care.  Take some time to review the resources on this page and then fill out the submission form on the right and you will be rewarded with a Data Storyteller badge!  This is an official badge that is submitted by the HITEQ Center as a proof of completion to the blockchain. Your credentials can be added to profiles such as LinkedIn and verified through accreditation services such as Accredible and Open Badge.

Information Blocking Avenger Curriculum
Example Detailed Report Instructions

Example Detailed Report Instructions

Transition Documentation Examples for Efficient Onboarding of New Employees

This is an example of instructions for reports can be tailored to the systems, processes, and objectives used by your organization. These detailed instructions allow any employee to start where another employee finished and allow for efficient onboarding of new employees. An electronic folder and a hard-copy binder are kept for all reports so that they can be updated as the EHR has updates, or as staff is hired.

This example is specific for a behavioral health report for an organization, but can be used as a template for any of your organization's report instructions.  It covers the what, where, when, why, and how.  The first section, the what provides employees with a short description of what the report is.  The where gives the file path, and any other location information necessary.  The when is important, as it  lets the employee know when it needs to be done every month so that it can be disseminated in a timely manner for meetings or external reporting.  The why gives the rationale, and lets the individual know why it matters to the patient, the staff, and/or the organization.  Finally, the how is addressed by the numbered, step-by-step instructions that follow.  

These five elements can be tailored to the systems, processes, and objectives used by your organization, with this example serving as a guide.


Documents to download

  • Sample Report Instructions(.docx, 428.97 KB) - 663 download(s)

    These are for a behavioral health dashboard using i2i, but they can be downloaded and edited for your own purposes.

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Data Storyteller Badge