Improving Health IT Safety through the Use of Natural Language Processing to Improve Accuracy of EHR
An AHRQ Web Conference
Web Conference on Improving Health IT Safety through the Use Natural Language Processing to Improve Accuracy of EHR Documentation
- Discuss the development and evaluation of an enhanced electronic note system that leverages voice recognition and NLP technologies to create electronic physician notes in the EHR.
- Discuss the challenges of introducing speech recognition technology into existing medical culture and current clinician workflow, including user preferences and the quality of documents generated by this technology.
- Explain the need for an automated error detection system using NLP for improving the accuracy and quality of speech recognition generated medical documents, and discuss the development and evaluation of such a system.
- Thomas Payne, M.D., Professor of Medicine; Adjunct Professor, Departments of Health Services and Biomedical Informatics and Medical Education; Medical Director, Information Technology Services, University of Washington
- Li Zhou, M.D., Ph.D., Assistant Professor of Medicine, Harvard Medical School, Brigham and Women's Hospital
- Chris Dymek, Ed.D., Director, Health IT Division, Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality