ONC & CDC Integration Framework
ONC & CDC Health IT tool
The Integration Framework, developed by Office of the National Coordinator for Health Information Technology (ONC) and Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), provides guidance to health care systems, states, and health information technology (IT) vendors to support successful project execution, management and communications for Health IT integrations. This Framework is based on the project’s learnings from Prescription Drug Monitoring Program-Electronic Health Record (PDMP-EHR) Integration and electronic Clinical Decision Support (CDS) Implementation. The intended audience for this Framework includes health care systems preparing to integrate their EHR with the state PDMP, as well as PDMP administrators interested in providing PDMP-EHR integrations to health care systems in their state. The learnings from this project may also be useful to organizations undertaking other Health IT integrations. This Framework is supplemented by the PDMP-EHR Integration Toolkit that provides detailed guidance and templates for specific phases of integration.