Rising Risk: An Overview of Identification and Intervention Approaches
A brief from JSI with the support of Blue Shield of California Foundation
This brief, produced with generous support from Blue Shield of California Foundation, explores the concept of rising risk in the health field. Given that it is well understood that the top 5% of patients account for more than 50% of utilization, it follows that identifying risk in the population early and intervening effectively has the potential to save resources and improve health outcomes. The growing emphasis on efficiency and value, a new set of data collection and analysis tools, and the recognition that uncoordinated, after-the-fact response is not optimal all support a focus on rising-risk populations.
Through a literature review and discussions with leaders in the field, JSI investigated key considerations in addressing rising risk, outlined methods for identification and intervention along a continuum from focusing on one individual at a time to focusing on populations, and identified illustrative examples from the field.
Download the brief below or access it here.
Intended Audience | Health Center Staff, Quality Improvement Staff, Health Center Leadership |