The Power of Demographic Data
From the Center for Care Innovations
Demographic data is useful to health centers to help them tailor and focus care more effectively, and to adapt services and delivery to patient and family preferences. This webinar, presented by Cindy Barr, Operations and Facilities Planner for Capital Link consulting is part of the “Building a Data-Driven Culture” video learning series from the Center for Care Innovations. Entitled The Power of Demographic Data: Leveraging Demographic Data to Increase Access in a Data-Driven Culture, this webinar is one of five presenting use cases for analytics. It was recorded during the Safety Net Analytics Program of 2015 that discusses real-world applications of analytics emerging under new payment models. Ms. Barr presents the importance of clarifying the role of data, and how to approach collecting data including forming and testing hypotheses about data. The use cases presented are health-center specific and provide examples of validating and applying UDS data entities. The discussion includes ways to gather demographic data from patients, how to collect usable data, extracting actionable data and the implications of demographic variation on care and information delivery.