HITEQ Center / Monday, June 6, 2016 / Categories: Health IT & QI Workforce, Recruitment Samples of Job Functions for a Quality Improvement Specialist Skills and Job Descriptions This job description tool provides a position summary, sample job functions, sample skill requirements, and sample education and experience requirements. This tool is intended to be used like a menu. HR staff can share it with supervisors to identify the types of functions a position will be responsible for, and the skills and experience necessary to accomplish the job. The various functions can be used as a menu to pick and choose from different categories to build a job description. Previous Article Samples of Job Functions for a Clinical Informatics Specialist Next Article Samples of Job Functions for a Quality Director Print 7745 Tags: skillshuman resourcesToolDocumentJob description samplesjob functionshiring managers Documents to download Quality-Improvement-Specialist-Job-Description-HITEQ-2016(.doc, 98 KB) - 502 download(s) Related Resources Examples of Technical Assistance Provided by Primary Care Associations and Health Center Controlled Networks Staffing Models, Program Elements, and Performance Expectations Orientation Follow-up Survey Online Course in Health Information Technology: Healthcare Data Analytics New Employee Orientation Evaluation Form