Ending the HIV Epidemic Resources
Performance Measure Data Definition Worksheet

Performance Measure Data Definition Worksheet

December 2022

The Performance Measure Data Definition Worksheet can be used during the Quality Improvement (QI) process to assess the alignment of your health center’s workflows and documentation and your EHR vendor’s reporting logic processes.

The Office of the National Coordinator for Health Information Technology (ONC) EHR Certification criteria requires EHR vendors to use eCQM (electronic Clinical Quality Measure) specifications to define measures. Therefore, reported data for a measure should be consistent regardless of EHR vendor. In practice, however, it is important to confirm that your EHR vendor’s reporting logic is consistent with your health center’s definition and workflows, and vice versa, as outlined in this worksheet.

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One of the key strategies for Ending the HIV Epidemic includes diagnosing people with HIV as early as possible. HITEQ has curated a few strategies to help you leverage your EHR to identify clients in need of HIV screening to get your health center one step closer to ending the HIV epidemic in your communities.