Enabling Services Data Collection: Documenting Health Center Interventions in a Value-Based Payment Environment

Enabling Services Data Collection: Documenting Health Center Interventions in a Value-Based Payment Environment

In collaboration with Health Outreach Partners (HOP), AAPCHO continues to promote the importance of documenting social determinants of health (SDoH) interventions to demonstrate the value and scope of health center enabling services (ES). AAPCHO and HOP were joined by the Community Health Care Association of New York State (CHCANYS) to highlight how state, regional, and national partners can leverage SDoH and ES data for Value-Based Payment (VBP).
Through a national webinar, participants learned useful strategies with tools and resources to successfully implement a standardized data collection methodology for the tracking and documentation of non-clinical data. In turn, health center stakeholders, including health center and Primary Care Association (PCA) staff, will be able to articulate or better demonstrate how they are using non-clinical, ES data for VBP. This national webinar was also be conducted for health center and PCA staff to share insights and recommendations on how they plan to use enabling services data for the transition to VBP in their local, state, or regional context.

HITEQ Highlights: Hear from your Peers: Using the EHR for Routine HIV Screening
HITEQ Highlights: Hear from your Peers: Using the EHR for Routine HIV Screening

HITEQ Highlights: Hear from your Peers: Using the EHR for Routine HIV Screening

The HITEQ Center, in collaboration with BC3 Technologies, LLC, hosted this webinar that explored key concepts and best practices in utilizing an electronic health record in routine HIV Screening. This webinar sought to motivate and educate the clinical team on how the electronic health record can be used as a tool in the workflow of a primary practice. Aspects of clinical decision support, reminders, and alerts were covered with an emphasis on best practices, challenges, solutions, and lessons learned.

Implementing Teledentistry During COVID-19
Implementing Teledentistry During COVID-19

Implementing Teledentistry During COVID-19

During this national emergency, teledentistry has become an emerging strategy to continue providing preventive dental care and triage for dental emergencies. During this webinar, attendees learned from a subject matter expert on effective implementation strategies for teledentistry. Then, three health centers shared their experience in teledentistry during COVID-19 including their lessons learned and specific state regulations. This webinar was 1 hour and 15 minutes. 

How FQHCs Can Launch Telehealth Services to Meet Patient Needs During COVID-19
How FQHCs Can Launch Telehealth Services to Meet Patient Needs During COVID-19

How FQHCs Can Launch Telehealth Services to Meet Patient Needs During COVID-19

The COVID-19 pandemic has drastically changed health care delivery. Federally qualified health centers (FQHCs) play a critical role in assuring that underserved populations continue to engage in their health. In response to this need for sustained and expanded access to services, PCDC and Centene Corporation hosted this free webinar on how health centers can
launch telehealth services — during and beyond the pandemic. Three brief presentations from telehealth solution vendors followed the session.
