Behavioral Health Consent Management
Behavioral Health Consent Management

Behavioral Health Consent Management

Privacy and confidentiality concerns are currently limiting the inclusion of behavioral health data in electronic health information exchange efforts. ONC has provided a number of tools and recommendations to address some of these concerns.

Cyber Security for the Small Practice
Cyber Security for the Small Practice

Cyber Security for the Small Practice

The January 2019 issue of The 405(d) Post from HHS includes a feature article from their Task Group Members discussing the importance of cybersecurity for small practices. Take a look to learn more. Also, visit the spotlight section to learn more about endpoint protections, new HHS resources and cybersecurity news stories the 405(d) team is tracking. Click here, or access from the resource links below!

HITEQ Highlights: Documentation Tips when using the Collaborative Care Model for the Treatment of Depression and Anxiety in Primary Care
HITEQ Highlights: Documentation Tips when using the Collaborative Care Model for the Treatment of Depression and Anxiety in Primary Care

HITEQ Highlights: Documentation Tips when using the Collaborative Care Model for the Treatment of Depression and Anxiety in Primary Care

Join the HITEQ Center, in collaboration with the National Council for Behavioral Health, for a webinar on Documentation Tips when using the Collaborative Care Model for the Treatment of Depression and Anxiety in Primary Care. The webinar provided a brief overview and benefits of the collaborative care model as well as information specific to each of the main staff roles. The role-specific nuances of documentation were highlighted, including considerations for tracking data such as clinical activities accomplished with each patient during the month.

HITEQ Highlights: Using Health IT to Facilitate the Development and Administration of a PrEP Program
HITEQ Highlights: Using Health IT to Facilitate the Development and Administration of a PrEP Program

HITEQ Highlights: Using Health IT to Facilitate the Development and Administration of a PrEP Program

Hear from Your Peers! The HITEQ Center is launching a new webinar series for health centers to learn how their health center peers are using health IT to improve HIV prevention and care. For the first webinar, Using Health IT to Facilitate the Development and Administration of a PrEP Program, Robert Harris from the Community Health Center of Buffalo, Inc. described their whole system approach to develop an IT-supported PrEP program.

HITEQ Highlights: Getting Started with a Social Media Strategy for HIV Prevention and Care
HITEQ Highlights: Getting Started with a Social Media Strategy for HIV Prevention and Care

HITEQ Highlights: Getting Started with a Social Media Strategy for HIV Prevention and Care

Join the HITEQ Center for a webinar on how to develop a social media strategy to improve your health center’s HIV prevention and care outreach. Using the POST (People, Objectives, Strategy, Technology) method, attendees learned how to use social media more efficiently to reach your target audiences. We also reviewed social media platforms including Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter, their uses and differences. Attendees received recommendations for social media management and graphic design tools at the end of the discussion. 
