Rising Risk: An Overview of Identification and Intervention Approaches
Rising Risk: An Overview of Identification and Intervention Approaches

Rising Risk: An Overview of Identification and Intervention Approaches

This brief explores the concept of rising risk in the health field. Given that it is well understood that the top 5% of patients account for more than 50% of utilization, it follows that identifying risk in the population early and intervening effectively has the potential to save resources and improve health outcomes. The growing emphasis on efficiency and value, a new set of data collection and analysis tools, and the recognition that uncoordinated, after-the-fact response is not optimal all support a focus on rising-risk populations. 

HITEQ Highlights Webinar: Developing Effective Data Dashboards

HITEQ Highlights Webinar: Developing Effective Data Dashboards

The best dashboards give health centers actionable information at their fingertips, and use great design practices to focus a user’s attention on the most important information on the page. The HITEQ Center presented tips on how to develop effective data dashboards including designers and users, common pitfalls in dashboard design and how to avoid them, and dashboard software for consideration. The Indiana Quality Improvement Network (a health center controlled network housed within the state’s Primary Care Association) shared their experience in developing custom data dashboards for health centers in Indiana and beyond. Kislaya Kunjan, PhD (Health IT Director at IQIN) demonstrated multiple dashboards developed by their organization, and how much of it is publicly available on their website (www.indianapca.org/dashboard) for the benefit of health centers and affiliated organizations across the US.

HITEQ Highlight Webinar: Measuring Return on Investment for Your Population Health Management Program

HITEQ Highlight Webinar: Measuring Return on Investment for Your Population Health Management Program

There is a great deal of interest among health centers, primary care associations and health center controlled networks of the advantages associated with investing in a Population Health Management (PHM) electronic platform. Measuring specific and quantifiable returns clarifies the benefits and supports a consistent understanding among stakeholders of the value of PHM. During this webinar, we discussed the Michigan HCCN’s experience with putting the components in place to measure the return on investment (ROI) of their PHM support program. The HITEQ Center also introduced a newly developed PHM ROI matrix tool. The PHM ROI Matrix Tool is intended to “walk” an organization through a process of developing the ability to measure benefit in basic, intermediate, or advanced terms.


Interested in office hours to ask our presenters further follow-up questions? Please register here for the March 22, 2018 Office Hours.

The 2018 Social Determinants of Health Academy

The 2018 Social Determinants of Health Academy

The Road to Sustainability for SDOH Interventions

Presented by: National Nurse-Led Care Consortium, Corporation for Supportive Housing, Health Outreach Partners and National Association for Community Health Centers

Health Centers are developing a variety of innovative ways to address SDOH. Commonly the greatest challenge to this work is having a sustainable funding stream to take and keep the work at scale. This webinar highlighted funding models and funding mechanisms that could assist in SDOH activities, as well as the partnerships and activities that can assist your health center in sustaining these important activities. The presenters described funding models that support SDOH work and examples of health centers activities that had led to sustainable funding for SDOH activities.

By the end of this session, participants will be able to:

  • Describe the principles of funding models such as Value Based Payments, Alternative Payment models and other examples of funding models that support SDOH activities.
  • Explain how integrated care teams can be developed to prepare for Value Based Payment models.
  • Learn examples of data collection variables and methods that can incorporated in to your health center’s workflow to collect the information your health center needs to engage funders and payment systems.
  • Learn examples of tools and resources that can help your health center build the case for SDOH activities.
The 2018 Social Determinants of Health Academy

The 2018 Social Determinants of Health Academy

Pathways to Cross-Sector Partnerships to Address SDOH, Part 2

Presented By: National Center for Medical-Legal Partnership School-Based Health Alliance

Since their inception, health centers have had a special focus on identifying and addressing patients' health-related social needs in an effort to ensure optimal access to primary care. In a rapidly changing, and infinitely more complex social and health landscape, it is more important than ever that our care teams and tools evolve to meet patients where they are. As health centers work to improve their social determinants of health strategies, strategies, they must adapt new ways to solve age-old problems like poor housing and lack of income, which reverberate for health center patients and result in poor health outcomes. Join this webinar for a broad discussion of the opportunities to tackle SDOH in tandem with existing community partners and how health care teams can work together to address the social determinants of health. Special focus will be given to school-based and legal interventions that can meet the needs of patients and boost capacity of the healthcare team confronting complex SDOH. The session will review specific resources and tools. Presenters will also discuss how the above interventions can inform the dynamics and challenges of diabetes management for a range of populations.

By the end of this webinar, participants will be able to:

  • Demonstrate how healthcare teams bridging across sectors like law and education can support increased access to care, improve health services delivery, and improve overall health outcomes with a focus on diabetes management.
  • Identify resources available to meet the needs of pediatric and adolescent patients.
  • Understand the connection between legal and health needs.