2013 ONC EHR Contracts
2013 ONC EHR Contracts

2013 ONC EHR Contracts

This document explains key EHR contract terms and what purchasers (health centers) need to know about them. Understanding these terms will help health centers select an appropriate EHR system and protect the health center from business and patient safety risks that may arise. If health centers misunderstand these terms, they may not be able to rely on their contract to help prevent disruptions to their practices.

Hiring Test to Screen Possible Candidates for Data Knowledge
Hiring Test to Screen Possible Candidates for Data Knowledge

Hiring Test to Screen Possible Candidates for Data Knowledge

This test is intended to gauge an applicant’s basic data knowledge and abilities.  Applicants are to go through all the tabs in order and follow the instructions in the red boxes.

Included is an answer key that accompanies the Hiring Test. After giving a candidate the test, the hiring manager can use the Answer key to assess how the candidate did on the test.

Million Hearts Hypertension Control Change Package
Million Hearts Hypertension Control Change Package

Million Hearts Hypertension Control Change Package

The Hypertension Control Change Package for Clinicians (HCCP) presents a listing of process improvements that health center settings can implement as they seek optimal hypertension (HTN) control. It is composed of change concepts, change ideas, evidence- or practice-based tools and resources. Change concepts are general notions that are useful in the development of more specific ideas for changes that lead to improvement.

A Buyer’s Guide to Business Intelligence Tools
A Buyer’s Guide to Business Intelligence Tools

A Buyer’s Guide to Business Intelligence Tools

The National Association of Community Health Centers (NACHC) created this document to provide health centers with a better understanding of data analytics, the current capabilities of these tools, and the critical vendor selection and contracting issues related to the consideration, selection, implementation, and use of a data product. It is written to help health centers make informed decisions when it comes to determining how to build and use this business intelligence capability within their organizations.

Three Domains to Improve Performance
Three Domains to Improve Performance

Three Domains to Improve Performance

Improving performance can be boiled down to three approaches: improving the completeness and accuracy of data, decreasing missed opportunities, and improving the quality of services. Determining which of these is appropriate for your circumstance requires doing some data validation to assess where the issue lies. If you have not taken that step yet, please visit that section of the HITEQ site.
