Project ECHO Quality Improvement: Plan-Do-Study-Act Cycles— Getting the Most from Your Tests of Change
Project ECHO Quality Improvement: Plan-Do-Study-Act Cycles— Getting the Most from Your Tests of Change

Project ECHO Quality Improvement: Plan-Do-Study-Act Cycles— Getting the Most from Your Tests of Change

In the fifth session of the Weitzman Institute's Project ECHO Quality Improvement series, the presenters and participants reviewed and discussed ways to ensure that your cycles of change are specific, appropriate and well documented.

This free videoconferencing program assists QI professionals by providing instruction on practical tools and techniques. Common real world problems were addressed.

New Ethical Dilemmas in the Digital Age
New Ethical Dilemmas in the Digital Age

New Ethical Dilemmas in the Digital Age

In 2016, health and human service professionals face a myriad of new ethical dilemmas with little guidance from existing ethical codes that do not address these emerging issues. This webinar will review the current literature regarding new ethical dilemmas related to technology and the internet, and provide guidance and recommendations for health and human service staff.

The Use of Health IT to Improve Health Care Delivery for Children
The Use of Health IT to Improve Health Care Delivery for Children

The Use of Health IT to Improve Health Care Delivery for Children

During this Webinar, AHRQ will discuss the use of health IT to better support the quality of health care delivered to children. This Webinar will include discussions of pediatric-specific electronic health record (EHR) functionality and the use of a pediatric registry for reporting quality measures data. Earn 1.5 hours of continuing medical education credits (CME)/continuing education units (CEUs) for participating. 

A National Web Conference on the Use of Health IT to Improve Health Care Delivery for Children
A National Web Conference on the Use of Health IT to Improve Health Care Delivery for Children

A National Web Conference on the Use of Health IT to Improve Health Care Delivery for Children

The Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ) is hosting a Web conference Thursday, June 30 from 12:30 – 2:00 p.m. ET, to discuss the use of health IT to better support the quality of health care delivered to children. This Web conference will include discussions of pediatric-specific electronic health record (EHR) functionality and the use of a pediatric registry for reporting quality measures data.
